Page 61 of Out of Control
“I did?”
“If you didn’t do anything they would have thought you were weak or scared and they would have moved ahead with their plans.”
“I thought you was gonna be mad at me,” Rain said. “That you was gonna say I was all outta control and shit.”
“No. You held them off until I could get back on my feet.”
“Well, since you ain’t mad, let me tell you what happened today.”
“What happened?”
“Some of his men caught us coming out of a store. Brandon is dead.”
“I was wonderin’ why he wasn’t with you when you got here.”
“Yeah, he’s dead.”
“How you leave it?”
“There were four of them. They’re all dead,” Rain told Nick. “But after, we took care of Brandon’s body.”
“What you do with him?”
“Took him to the parlor and called his people.”
“Go on.”
“Anyway after that, we went by Jackie’s spot.”
“What you go by there for?”
“I wanted to get Jackie with us.”
“What she say?”
“We never got that far.”
“Why not?”
“We started talkin’ and before I knew it, my gun was in her face.”
“You didn’t kill Jackie, did you?”
“No. Travis slipped up behind me and took my gun.”
Nick laughed at her. “Don’t take them lightly. Black got them up there for a reason. You underestimated them.”
“Yeah I know. After Travis took my gun Jackie pulls out two 9’s and shoved them in my face. Then they walked me out at gunpoint. That shit was embarrassing.”
“Anything else you wanna tell me about?”
“No that’s it,” Rain said. “What you gonna do now?”
“Nothing. You took down four more of his men. See if they come at you again. If not and things stay quiet for a couple of days I want you to arrange a meeting with Wanda. Go through Doc to set it up. Howard talked to Doc and he really didn’t want to be part of this. See if we can’t settle this before anybody else gets killed.”
“I mean it Rain. Don’t do nothing. And that means you need to control your Purple Gang.”