Page 65 of Out of Control
Wanda stood up and came from around her desk when Jackie was led in. “Jackie, come in and have a seat.
“Thank you,” Jackie said and sat down in one of the chairs in front of the desk.
“I’m so sorry to keep you waiting. International conference call and it couldn’t be helped.” Wanda leaned against the desk so she would be looking down at Jackie when she spoke. “I imagine your wondering why I asked you here?”
“I have a pretty good idea.”
“Good, then let’s get right to it.” Wanda folded her arms. “I understand that Rain Robinson paid you a visit last night and you escorted her out at gunpoint.”
“That’s right.”
“You mind telling me what she wanted?”
“She never got around to saying what she wanted. She disrespected me in my own house and I wasn’t having it,” Jackie said confidently. She knew from talking to Black about her that Wanda was a predator and would eat her alive if she showed any weakness.
“I see.”
Jackie leaned forward. “Why don’t you get to your point, Wanda.”
Jackie’s directness put Wanda off a little. She always thought that Black had made a mistake by letting Jackie run that house. Maybe she had underestimated her. “I know by now you’ve heard what’s going on and I need to know where you stand?”
“I don’t stand anywhere.”
“What does that mean?”
“It means that I really don’t know what this is about and honestly Wanda I don’t want to know. So I’ll tell you like I told Rain. I don’t want any problems with you, but I will do what I need to do to protect Black’s interest.”
“It that what you called yourself doing when you sent those men to Impressions; protecting Black interests?”
“I was just responding to a request. But while were on the subject, maybe you could answer a question for me.”
“What’s that?”
“Does Black know what you’re doing?”
“No he doesn’t and if you’re thinking about calling him in Nassau and telling him I can assure you that it would be the last call you ever made.”
“What is you sayin’? That you’ll have me killed if I talk to Black about this?”
Wanda smiled at Jackie and leaned close to her. “I think I made myself quite clear.”
Jackie stood up. “I think this conversation is over.”
“As long as we have an understanding it is.”
Jackie didn’t comment on Wanda’s remark as she walked out the door. Wanda watched from the door of her office as Jackie walked to the elevator followed by her men. The door opened, Jackie got on and turned around. She saw Wanda standing there and each looked in the other’s eyes as the elevator door closed.
When Jackie got in the car, she called Travis. As she waited for him to answer, Jackie thought that this was the second time in as many days that somebody had threatened to kill her. “How’d it go?”
“I’ll tell you when I see you. But it didn’t go well.”
“You got some people waiting for you when you get here,” Travis informed her.
“You’ll see when you get here.”
By the time Jackie arrived at her spot, Monika was there. “I need to talk to you,” she said and went straight to her office where Travis was waiting.