Page 70 of Out of Control
“Why did she choose Grant to retaliate on?” Black asked.
“Honestly, I don’t know. But since then Rain and Grant’s people been goin’ at it. I heard she drove a truck through the window of one of Grant’s number joints and she killed everybody in there. Then they caught her comin’ out of a store and ambushed her.”
“How did you get involved in this?” Black asked.
“Lexi and Tara—”
“Wait a minute, what do Lexi and Tara got to do with any of this? They’re not in that end of the business.”
“That’s what I told them, but if somebody tried to take over their spots to call me and I would send some people to back them up.”
“You?” Bobby asked.
“Being in this spot, I got access to some muscle. Anyway, that same night, some of Rain’s men showed up at Impressions. I think Tara just panicked and called me and I sent some people there.”
“What happened?” Bobby wanted to know.
“There was a confrontation, but her men left without incident.”
“Anything else?” Black asked.
“After that I sent some men to back Lexi. The next day some of the smaller operations came to me and they wanted protection too.”
“Who we talkin’ about?” Bobby asked.
“Spencer, Hazelton, Tony Rizzo, Jones, Brightman, and Demet. They heard what I did for Tara and Lexi and thought if Wanda or Rain came at them they didn’t have the muscle to stop them.”
Black looked at Jackie. “That it?”
“As far as I know. Ain’t no tellin’ what happened today.”
Black looked at Bobby. “What?” Bobby asked.
“Just once could you be wrong about this shit?”
“What?” Jackie asked.
“Bobby had a feeling that something wasn’t right and we needed to come up here,” Black said.
“Yeah, but I wasn’t expecting all this,” Bobby said.
Black stood up and picked up the phone on Jackie’s desk. Wanda answered on the forth ring. “What can I do for you Jackie?”
“It’s not Jackie. It’s Mike.”
Wanda looked at the display. “You’re at Jackie’s?”
“Yeah, and you need to bring your ass down here right now,” Black said and hung up the phone. He dialed another number. “What’s up, Jackie?” Nick answered.
“It ain’t Jackie. I need to see you at Jackie’s right now, Nick. And bring Ms. Robinson with you,” Black said and hung up.
Nick looked at Rain. “Who was that?” she asked.
“Oh shit. What he say?”