Page 87 of Out of Control
“Where is Wanda in all this?”
“She been keepin’ a low profile.” Billy poured himself a drink. “When you gonna start movin’ on Grant’s spots?”
“Already in progress. I had a conversation with Castor last night. He scared and lookin’ for some protection ’cause he thinks Rain is coming after him next. I told him that I could provide him with some men.”
“What he say?”
“He said he would think about it.”
“Where the nigga hidin’? I’ll make sure that
he thinks he’s next on Rain’s hit parade,” Billyjack said as Russell’s phone rang.
When Russell got off the phone he looked at Billyjack. “We got a problem.”
“What’s up?”
“Mike Black and Bobby Ray are back in the city. Right now, them and Rain are ridin’ around with a picture of Raheem and Marley.”
“How they get on to Raheem and Marley so quick?”
“I don’t know, but I know that Black will find them and he will make them niggas talk. We need to cut ties with them niggas. I can’t have this shit coming back on me,” Russell said and thought back to the last time he had to deal with Black.
Billyjack thought for a minute and then took out his phone.
“Who you callin’?” Russell needed to know.
Billyjack held up his hand. “Hello,”
“Raheem, this Billyjack. Listen, somehow, Black, Bobby and Rain Robinson got a picture of you and they showin’ it all over town, tryin’ to find you.”
“How they get a picture of me?”
“That’s not important right now. What you need to do is get out of the city for a while. Lay low until this blows over.”
“You got any money?”
“Well, look here, I’ma meet you at your apartment and I’ma give you some money. Enough money to hold you for a good minute. I want you to get out of the city, Raheem and I ain’t talkin’ about to Jersey either.”
“Where should I go?”
“Shit, I don’t know, Miami, LA, Vegas or some shit like that, but we gotta do it quick; understand?”
“I understand.”
“How soon can you meet me there?” Billyjack asked.
“I can be there in half an hour,” Raheem promised.
When Billyjack ended the call, Russell looked at him like he was stupid. “Nigga is you crazy? I ain’t givin’ that dumb nigga no money to go lay low in Miami. Shit, if anybody goin’ to Miami on my money it’s gonna be me.
Billyjack laughed. “Calm down, Russell. I ain’t givin’ him no money to go no where.”
“What you gonna do then? And what you gonna do about Marley?”