Page 90 of Out of Control
“Okay, okay, I’ll tell you where he lives. Just please don’t let me go.”
Black and Bobby pulled him back in the apartment slowly. “Go get the bed sheets,” Black said and Rain left for the bedroom.
Bobby punched him in the face a few times. “You know how heavy your ass is? You need to go on a fuckin’ diet.” Bobby hit him again. “Fat ass.”
When Rain returned with the sheets, she handed them to Bobby since Black was busy punching Raheem’s friend in the chest. While Black worked, Bobby tore the sheet into long strips. When Black was finished, he put the man in a chair and Bobby tied him up.
Once he was done, Rain stepped up. “Now, you was gonna tell me where your boy Raheem is hidin’.” Now that they had the information they wanted, Rain took a piece of the sheet and gagged him.
Now they were on their way to Raheem’s apartment and drove right past Russell and Billyjack as they were leaving the apartment. “That was Rain Robinson drivin’ that Suburban,” Billyjack said.
“Good. Marley will be there soon and we’ll be rid of him too. Give me your phone.” he got Marley on the phone. “Marley, this Russell. Black and them are at Raheem’s right now.”
“We five minutes away,” Marley replied.
“How many people you got with you?”
“There’s four of us.”
“Make it quick. Don’t let them get away,” Russell said and ended the call. He relaxed thinking that one way or another, this shit was cleaned up and there was nobody to tie any of it back to him.
With guns drawn, they walked down the hall to Raheem’s apartment. “Door’s open,” Bobby said.
“I ain’t feelin’ this,” Rain said and raised her weapon.
They went in the apartment slowly and separated to look around. “Mike, back here in the bedroom,” Bobby yelled.
When Black and Rain got to the room, Bobby kicked over Raheem’s body. “That’s him,” Rain said.
“Wonder who got him?” Bobby asked.
“Russell and Billyjack or somebody Russell sent,” Black said.
“I think we should get outta here,” Rain said.
“Why?” Bobby asked.
“This feel like a trap to me,” Rain said.
“What makes you think that?” Bobby asked.
“What? You think you the only one with intuition?” Black asked as he headed for the door. Then he stopped and faced Bobby. “Or would you rather stay here and debate it with her?”
“No,” Bobby said and Black started out the door. “I was just askin’ the logical question.”
As they rode down in the elevator, Rain was smiling. “What you smilin’ about, little girl?” Bobby asked.
“Nothin’. I just like rollin’ wit’ you niggas, that’s all.”
“Why you think I got you ridin’ with us and not Nick?” Black asked.
“I been wonderin’ about that all night,” Rain said.
“’Cause I wanted everybody involved in this shit to see that you’re with us. Not some renegade runnin’ wild that they could push back on if they felt like it. They all need to understand that me and Bobby are behind you and that dealin’ with you is like dealin’ with us.”
“It’s about respect, little girl,” Bobby said as the elevator door opened and they headed out of the building.
Rain walked to the Suburban feeling good. She unlocked the truck and was about to get in when Marley and his men pulled up and opened fire. Black and Bobby dropped to the ground.