Page 92 of Out of Control
“You gonna leave me dry?”
“Nigga, please, I know you got more money stashed somewhere. You’ll be all right. Probably won’t even miss this.”
Once all the money was in the suitcase, Billyjack backed quickly out of the room. Russell sat there and thought about getting his gun out of the desk and going after him. But Billyjack was right, he wouldn’t even miss that money and it wasn’t worth the risk of trying to get it back.
After Billyjack left the house, Russell started thinking that maybe Billyjack was right about something else. Maybe he should get out of town for a while until this thing with Black blew over. He went in his room to pack.
Billyjack made it to his car and had opened the door when Bobby walked up behind him and put two in the back of his head.
Russell heard the shots and rushed to the window and saw Billyjack slumped over his car door. He went and got his gun and pointed it at the door.
When the door swung open, Russell opened fire and kept shooting until his gun was empty. Once the shooting stopped Black walked in the room. Bobby came in behind him, followed by Rain. Black walked over and sat down next to Russell.
“Now, Russell, the last time we talked I made you a promise. Do you remember that?”
nbsp; “I remember,” Russell said quietly.
“I can’t hear you,” Bobby shouted and hit Russell in the face with his gun.
“I remember!” Russell shouted.
“This is just how it went the last time,” Bobby laughed.
“I promised you that the next time we weren’t gonna talk, that Freeze was gonna put two in your head. Well Freeze is dead.” Black looked at Rain. “Ms. Robinson.”
“Put two in his head,” Black ordered.
Rain stepped up and stood in front of Russell. She raised her weapon, held it to Russell’s head. She pulled the trigger once. Then she pulled it again.
“Thank you, Ms. Robinson.”
“Any time.”
As they walked out of Russell’s place, Rain had a question. “Why you always gotta call me Ms. Robinson?”
“That is your name; ain’t it?” Bobby asked.
“Then what’s your problem?” Bobby asked.
“I just wanna know why you always call me that?”
“’Cause I respect you, Ms. Robinson. Would you prefer that I call you Lorraine?” Black asked.
Rain drove them back to Jackie’s spot to pick up the car Bobby had rented. She put the car in park and looked at Black.
“Can I call my man now?”
“Sure, go ahead,” Black said.
Rain took out her phone out and dialed Nick’s number. Nick answered on the first ring. “Hello,” Nick said cautiously.