Page 20 of The Boyfriend Blog
Aiden winks at me over the top of Edna’s head as he leads us out of the building.
She chuckles and tightens her hold on his arm. “I stalled in answering. It’s not my fault the men at your table don’t know their music.”
“Hey!” I scoff, opening the passenger door of Aiden’s car for her. “I heard that. You wanted me to lose.”
Edna laughs and pats my cheek before she slides into the passenger seat. Aiden and I climb in and, once situated, she drops her head against the headrest and sighs as Aiden drives out of the parking lot.
“That was fun,” she says.
“It really was.”
Aiden locks eyes with me through the rearview mirror. “You’re just glad that you don’t have to wash my dirty socks for the next three months.”
“Not glad, relieved. Your socks could knock someone out cold.” I grin, and while I can’t see Aiden’s mouth from back here, I can see the smile in his eyes.
Edna’s laugh turns to a sniffle. She wipes her cheek, and I scoot forward in my seat and touch her shoulder.
“What’s wrong?”
She rests her hand on mine. “I’m just missing my Robert extra hard today.”
“Was today a special day?” Aiden asks, keeping his eyes on the road.
“No. It’s not an anniversary or anything like that, it’s just that Robert loved trivia, and he would’ve loved the two of you.”
“Aww. I’m sure we would’ve loved him, as well. Tell Aiden what you were telling me at the Senior Center, about how you made Robert ask you out for a whole year before you agreed.”
“Ouch.” Aiden places a hand to his chest and grimaces. “That’s harsh, Edna.”
She chuckles and swats at his arm. “Don’t feel too bad for the rascal, he had it coming. He was ornery, just like you.”
“Me, ornery? Tell me about him, and I’ll decide that for myself.”
“Okay, well, it all started when his family moved in next door to mine…”
Aiden’s eyes flick to the mirror again. He doesn’t have to say a word because I already know what he’s thinking.
That’s how our story started.
One day, I want someone to look at me and say, “that’s her, she’s the one,” and not follow it with, “who ate all the doughnuts”. –Liz
For the remainder of the drive home, Lizzie and I listen as Edna talks about Robert. There are so many similarities between them and my relationship with Lizzie. My only hope is that I’ll get the same happily ever after that Edna’s Robert did.
Once inside her apartment, Edna sinks into her favorite chair. “I’m exhausted. I’ll finish my story next week.”
Lizzie grabs a blanket and drapes it across Edna’s legs. “But you were just getting to the good part.”
Edna leans her head back on the chair and closes her eyes. “There’re lots of good parts. So many good parts…” Her voice trails off, leaving me to wonder if she’s falling asleep or reminiscing about her lover in private. Judging by the faint smile on her face, I’m guessing the latter.
“Yeah?” She looks up at me and, simultaneously, Edna opens her eyes.
“If you don’t have any plans tonight, swing by th