Page 34 of The Boyfriend Blog
I’m not sure what I expect to see when I focus on the laptop. Maybe a dating site or conversational thread between her and some faceless dude, or hell, perhaps porn. What I don’t expect is an article or, scratch that, a blog.
The Boyfriend Blog
June 20, 2019
Goodbye dating apps
No, your eyes aren’t deceiving you. Yes, you read that right. I’m getting rid of my dating apps. Every single one of them. *Gasp* I know! It’s scary as hell, and in a world when finding a decent man is nearly impossible, you’re probably wondering what I’m going to do. Well, I’ll tell you, but first, let me explain how this came about.
I’ve talked before about my eighty-year-old neighbor. She’s funny and sweet and has never understood why I was using a program to meet a guy. This morning, she suggested that I try things the old-fashioned way.
If you’re anything like me, you’re probably scratching your head. The old-fashioned way? You mean like going out in public and meeting a person face-to-face rather than looking at an online profile?
That’s exactly what she’s talking about. And I’ll admit that my initial reaction was, this lady is bat-shit crazy. There’s no way I’m going to meet a man in public. But then I thought about it, and maybe she’s right.
Come on, ladies, how nice would it be to meet a man and connect face-to-face rather than read through a lengthy online profile where he uploaded a picture of himself that’s at least ten years old? You could scope a person out, decide if you like what you see, and then make your move…or not.
Stop rolling your eyes at me and just think about it for a second. We spend hours talking with guys online, hoping and praying that they’re not a total creeper when we meet them in person. Instead, we could meet someone in person, strike up a conversation, and let things progress naturally.
I don’t know about you, but that sounds wonderful to me, which is why I’ve decided to put my neighbor’s theory to the test. Goodbye dating apps, hello grocery store, library, bookstore, dog park, and any other place I can think of to find a man.
Who’s with me?
Just kidding. Calm down. I don’t expect you to follow in my footsteps. Not right away, at least. I’ll happily be the guinea pig. I’ll test the waters and report back, and then you can decide if the old-fashioned way might be right for you.
I scrub a hand down my face. Holy shit. Liz has to be Lizzie. I know I said I wasn’t going to touch her laptop, but I can’t stop now. I grab her mouse and scroll down to read the comments.
Go girl! I think this is a wonderful idea and I can’t wait to see how it works out for you. –Erika.
When are you going to start this new adventure? –Lillian
Today. I have yoga and then coffee with my sister, and then I’m hitting up the grocery store. Wish me luck! –Liz
I know from FaceTiming her that she’s done with yoga, which means she’s probably having coffee with Emily now, and I can catch her at the grocery store.
“Yes!” I fist pump the air and jump from the chair, not bothering to read the rest of the comments.
Calvin walks by and holds his hands up. “Whatever it is, I don’t want to know.”
“She’s giving up dating apps,” I shout.
“Not listening,” he yells, but when he comes back down the hall holding another laundry basket, he stops. “How does her giving up dating apps help you?”
“I thought you didn’t want to know?”
“You’re right, I don’t.” Calvin shakes his head and walks for the front door.
“She’s going to start dating the old-fashioned way by meeting men in public.”
Calvin stops. “In public?”