Page 50 of The Boyfriend Blog
Fifteen minutes later, Aiden has laced up my ice skates as well as his own. He pulls a black beanie over my head and hands me a coat and gloves.
“You thought of everything, didn’t you?”
Aiden blushes. “It was Millie. If it weren’t for her, we’d probably already be frozen.”
“No joke,” I say, watching my breath dissipate in the cold air.
I thought it was odd when Aiden asked me to wear jeans on our date. It’s summer and hot, and I was about to put on a dress or something equally as cute.
Aiden doesn’t listen. He takes my hand and guides me to the rink. A few kids are skating around like pros, each one dressed in their favorite hockey jersey, and an older woman is hunched over a walker as it glides her across the ice.
“I need one of those.”
“That’s what you have me for.”
Aiden steps onto the ice, pushes off, and does some fancy turn before stopping in front of me.
His answering smile warms me from the inside out. Once again, he holds his hand out.
“You better not let me fall,” I say, stepping carefully over the ledge. My left foot goes wonky, but Aiden steadies me.
Slowly, he starts skating backward, pulling me along with him. A few kids whizz by us, laughing and carrying on.
“I feel like a toddler. Those boys are probably making fun of me.”
“Doubtful. I’d bet anything they’re checking out how good your ass looks in those jeans.”
“You think my ass looks good?”
“I was going to wear a dress until you called.”
Aiden’s eyes smolder when he looks at me and groans. “I love it when you wear a dress.”
I grin.
“Save it for our next date?”
“Already planning our next outing?”
Aiden looks at me, his eyes swirling with warmth and love. I’d give anything to be able to read his mind.
“I am.”
“Okay, so, what’s next?”
“Well, after this, I’m going to take you to dinner and then drop you off at home.”
“My home or yours?”