Page 106 of Wait For Me
My heart is hammering inside my chest, practically throwing itself at him, and I’m panting a like a dog in heat. “Wh-what are you doing? Get back here.”
He shakes his head. “We can’t have sex. You’re a virgin, remember?”
“I’m hoping you’ll fix that.”
His smile lights up the room. “Soon, but not here and not now.”
“Okay, well, you can’t push me against the door, fuck my mouth, and then just walk away.”
“I love it when you talk dirty, and yes, I can.”
“Grayson,” I pout. “Now I’m horny. You can’t send me back out there to face your family when all I can think about is how badly I want you.”
“Baby, I didn’t bring you in here to seduce you. I brought you in here because I needed to kiss you away from prying eyes and tell you thank you for doing everything you’ve done. You made Jack’s birthday unbelievable.”
“You’re welcome.” I reach for his belt loop and pull him to me. “If you really want to thank me, you can stick your hand up my dress and show me just how grateful you are.”
“What about the party?” A car door slams, and he looks toward the door. “The kids are starting to show up.”
“Then I suggest you hurry.”
Heady lust flashes through Grayson’s eyes. He drops to his knees, shoves his head under the skirt of my dress and yanks my panties to the side.
“Hold on tight, sweetheart.”
“I didn’t think Lacey would show up,” Jessa whispers.
“I didn’t either.”
My eyes drift across the yard to where Lacey is laughing and playing with Henry and Emma. She showed up an hour late with some excuse about why her parents couldn’t make it.
You’d think Lorelei’s parents would want to be part of the kids’ life, but that doesn’t seem to be the case.
It used to piss me off, but now I just think of it as their loss. They’re the ones missing out, and someday, when they realize the mistake they made, it’ll be too late.
“Did you send an invitation to Lorelei?”
“That would be kind of hard to do, considering I haven’t talked to her in almost two years.”
Jessa frowns. “I thought Lacey gave you Lorelei’s current address.”
“That was a year ago, and when Jack tried to send her a letter, it came back in the mail with a notice saying Lorelei no longer lived at that address.”
“It doesn’t get easier, does it? Watching them grow up without a mom.”
I shake my head and wrap an arm around her shoulders. “Not at all, but I think they’re doing okay.”
“Me too.” Jessa smiles up at me.
“First my sister and now my wife.” Nick pulls Jessa out from under my arm. “What is up with you, man?”
“Leave him alone,” Jessa says, laughing at Nick.
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