Page 147 of Wait For Me
She smiles knowingly. “Good. It’s packed wall to wall out there, and you’ll be happy to know all the people here are over the age of twenty-one.”
I laugh. “That’s because we’re in a bar.”
Marnie smirks. “Maybe. But they all paid to listen to you sing tonight.”
I take a deep breath. “Thank you for doing this.”
“Don’t thank me, Nora. This is my job.”
“You’re damn good at it.”
I give Marnie a hug and walk out the door. Bo is waiting for me with a smile. A thick velvet rope is situated on the sidewalk along the building, separating me from the fans. Bo walks beside me as I go from person to person, working my way down the line, smiling, posing for pictures, and laughing.
“I’ve been listening to you for years,” a young woman says.
I take her notepad and pen. “Thank you. I appreciate your support,” I say, scribbling my name across it.
That’s when I hear the sweetest little voice calling out to me.
“Nowa! Nowa!”
I hand the pad of paper back to the girl, ignoring everyone else as I rush down the line, looking for the owner of that voice.
I draw up short at the sight of Emma, Jack, and Henry. They’re standing in the line of people. Tears fill my eyes as I approach them.
Emma holds out a piece of paper. “Can I have your autogiwaffe?”
Jack elbows her. “It’s not autogiraffe. It’s autograph.”
I laugh and try not to cry while Henry waves his pen in the air. He chucks it across the sidewalk and squeals in delight.
“What are you guys doing here?”
I squat down to their level and pull them all in for a hug.
“We missed you,” Emma says.
“I missed you, too.”
I breathe in their sweet scent and close my eyes while giving them an extra long squeeze, afraid that when I let go they’ll disappear.
“Dad made us come,” Jack replies, looking over his shoulder.
I pull back to follow his gaze, and there stands Grayson, looking tired, frazzled, and a little hopeful. My breath catches in my throat at the sight of him. It’s pathetic how grateful I am just to see him again, and how every part of me comes to life.
God, I’ve missed him.
“I wike your dwess,” Emma says, touching it. “Can you sign dis for me now?”
“Mine first.” Jack shoves his pad in front of my face.
“Me!” Henry claps and steals my attention.
I drag my eyes from Grayson to look at Henry. “You threw your pen, silly bug.”
I’m laughing and crying, and generally an utter mess as I sign each of their pads.