Page 17 of Wait For Me
“I’m telling Jessa.”
He grins. “She’ll agree with me.”
“Come on, bro. Do you know how many women want to date a single dad of three?”
“Stop making it sound like such a bad thing. You’re successful, you have a beautiful home, and three adorable kids. Plus, Jessa seems to think you’re handsome.”
“She does?”
Nick points a finger at me. “Wag your eyebrows in reference to my wife like that again and I’ll shove a boot up your a—” His eyes fall to Henry. “—butt.”
I hold a hand up. “Done. As long as you promise not to try to set me up.”
“Done. Although I think it’s something you should consider. You don’t have to stay single forever.”
I sigh and look down at Henry. He’s so stinking cute and has me wrapped around his little finger, as do Emma and Jack. I couldn’t imagine splitting my time between them and a woman who will undoubtedly want me to take her on dates and spend alone time with her.
That’s not something I’m ready for. Plus, I’m not sure how the kids would do with a woman around, especially Jack. Knowing him, he’d try to set her on fire or something else equally as crazy.
“Someday. But now isn’t the time. I’ve got enough on my plate with Jack’s attitude.”
“Is he still seeing that counselor?”
I shake my head. “Not regularly like he was. It’s more on an as-needed basis now.”
Nick frowns and then looks up and smiles when Jessa walks into the kitchen.
“Did somebody order pizza?” she says, squeezing my shoulder as she walks by. “How are you, Gray?”
“Better now that you’re here.”
She winks, sets the pizza on the counter, and takes Henry from my arms. He goes to her without complaint and reaches for her bright orange necklace.
“Look how big you’re getting.”
He babbles and wiggles in her arms.
Nick stands up and moves to her side. His hand strokes Jessa’s hip. “This is a good look on you,” he whispers, kissing her neck.
She smiles up at him. “Someday.”
The moment is intimate, but I can’t look away. The ease with which they interact is something I yearn for in a relationship—if I ever decide to enter one again. My relationship with Lorelei was tumultuous at best; we fought more than we got along. Tender moments like this were far and few between for us.
“If you two start making out, I swear I will walk out of this house and leave you with all three of my kids.”
I’m joking, but it makes Jessa laugh.
“We’ll gladly keep your kids.”
“You say that now.” I take another drink of my beer. “Wait until Jack calls you a stupid idiot or puts gum in Emma’s hair.”
Jessa gasps. “He did not!”
“It was an accident,” Jack yells from the living room.
I roll my eyes. “Why do you think we’re here?”
With Henry on her hip, Jessa pulls out the portable high chair I brought over last year, and Nick attaches it to one of the kitchen chairs. Once Henry is secured to the seat, she motions for me to grab the plates.