Page 33 of Wait For Me
“Can we have a picnic?” Emma asks.
I smile down at her. “That sounds like fun.”
“I don’t want to have a picnic,” Jack says, sulking into the reception area. “Where’s Uncle Duke?” He rummages through the white paper bag and pulls out a small brown box.
“He had to leave. Nora is going to stay with you guys while I finish up work.” Grayson squeezes Jack’s shoulder and kisses the side of his head. “Be good, okay?”
Jack rolls his eyes and walks back into the office.
“We’ll be fine. Go.” I take Emma’s hand. “Come on, sweetie, let’s grab Henry. The three of us will have a picnic while Jack finishes watching his movie.”
“I wike you, Nora.”
Oh, my heart. She’s the sweetest thing in the world. “I like you too, Emma.”
We’re almost to the door when I turn around. “Grayson?”
“What you overheard me say to Jessa was a lie.”
He lifts a brow. “Is that right?”
I nod and look at the kids. They aren’t paying us a bit of attention, so I take a step toward him. “I was trying to get her off my back.”
“Why was she on your back?”
“Because she thinks I’m attracted to you.”
“Are you?”
I take a deep breath. No sense in being shy now, Nora.
“Very much so.”
“Higher!” Emma squeals, pumping her legs as she flies through the air.
I give Henry another push and look over at Jack. He ate lunch in his dad’s office, but eventually wandered outside. He hasn’t said a word to me, and I can’t figure out if it’s because he’s scared of me, or just that timid. It’s not likely to be the latter, considering some of the stories Jessa and Nick have told me. From what they say, he’s boisterous and loud, a far cry from the boy who’s been keeping to himself all day.
“Do you want to come swing with us?” I ask him.
He shakes his head and watches his sister. “That’s high enough, Emma. If you fall, you’re gonna get hurt.”
“I won’t let her fall,” I answer.
“Come on, Jack! Come swing wif me!”
But even Emma can’t coax him out of his shell.
“I’ve got an idea. How about we play hide and seek?” I suggest.
“Yeah!” Emma drags her toes on the ground until her swing comes to a stop. She hops off and waits for me to unbuckle Henry and then runs toward Jack. “You gonna pway wif us?”
“I guess.” He throws down the stick he was holding. “Go hide, Emma, and I’ll come find you.”