Page 5 of Wait For Me
“How did you know?”
“Wild guess.”
I startle awake to find Bo looking at me.
So much for my adrenaline high.
“When did I fall asleep?” I ask, working the kink out of my neck.
“Before we left the parking garage. I did a quick parameter sweep along the privacy fence while you were snoozing.”
“You left me here alone?” I tease, giving him a wry smile.
“Hell no.” He nods toward the back of the car. I turn to look out the back window and see another black SUV.
“Is that Sam?”
“Will he tell Becky where I am?” Because the last thing I want is her coming after me.
Bo slides out of the front seat and opens the back door for me. “He better not, or I’ll break his jaw.”
“You would not,” I chide.
“Let’s hope you never have to see how cruel I can be.”
I smile up at Bo. He might be six foot four, weigh over two hundred pounds, and look like a walking brick wall, but he’s a giant teddy bear.
Bo has been with me since I turned sixteen, which means he’s been a part of my life for almost seven years. In some ways, he’s more of a father than my actual father, and I’m grateful to have someone look after me—even if he’s getting paid a pretty penny to do it.
“Quit looking at me like that,” he scolds. “Do you need me to walk you up?”
I shake my head and pull a key out of my purse. “I have a key, and I know the code to the gate.”
His lips twitch like he’s going to smile, but he doesn’t. “It’s getting serious between you two.”
I wink.
Sam gets out of his SUV and walks toward us. He hands me a bag. “I grabbed this from your dressing room. Don’t know what’s in it.”
“Thank you.”
He grunts and gets back in his car.
“It’s not safe for you to be out here. Get inside,” Bo instructs.
“Go home to your beautiful wife and quit worrying about me.”
“I’ll always worry about you. Call me tomorrow when you’re ready to leave, and I’ll come pick you up.”
“No need. Todd can give me a ride home.” I give Bo a quick hug, which he returns with a hard pat to the back.
He waits until I’m safely through the gate before climbing into his car. I wave from the front porch and watch them pull away, and then I slip my key into the front door, surprised to find it already unlocked.