Page 71 of Wait For Me
In my defense, I didn’t plan on that happening.
Although I’m damn glad it did.
“Daddy?” Emma knocks softly.
“Hey, baby,” I say through the door. “Let me finish up, and I’ll be right out.”
“I can’t sweep. I had a bad dweam.”
“Okay, sweetie. Go lie down, and I’ll be there in a minute.”
I listen as the footies of Emma’s pajamas shuffle down the hall, and only then do I take a breath.
Nora looks shocked from her spot in the tub, and I can’t help but laugh.
“I’m so sorry,” she says.
“I’m not.” I shake my head and stride back to her with purpose. “Watching you come apart for me was the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.”
“Grayson, your daughter could’ve walked in on us.”
“But she didn’t.”
“She could’ve.”
“It’s my fault. I should’ve locked the door.”
“That can’t happen again.”
What? “It can’t?”
“No.” She shakes her head, grabs her glass of wine, and finishes it off in two gulps.
Did I misinterpret what just happened? Two minutes ago, she was writhing against me and looking at me like I was the most handsome man in the world, and now she’s telling me what we did can’t happen again.
“Daddy!” Emma says, interrupting me yet again.
“I’ve gotta go.” For once I’m glad for the interruption, because I don’t even know what to say.
Do I apologize? Do I tell her I want to do it again? Do I ask her if it was bad? Fuck that, she just came all over my hand.
She nods. “Right. Go.”
I slip out of the bathroom and shut the door behind me.
“Hey, princess,” I whisper, going to sit on the edge of Emma’s bed. Her eyelids are bobbing heavily, but she manages to pull them open.
“Will you sit wif me for a wittle bit?”
“You know I will.” I tuck the covers around her tiny body and lean back on the bed. Emma snuggles against me.
I’m disappointed and shocked and a little hurt that Nora was so quick to dismiss what we did—not that I want to push her. God, no. The last thing I want is her to do something she doesn’t want to. I’m just mad at myself for believing what we did would eventually lead to more.
I like Nora, and now I’m going to have to push my feelings way the fuck down and forget about them, or things are going to get really uncomfortable around here.
A soft snore falls from Emma’s mouth. I kiss the top of her head and slip out of her room, hoping I can still catch Nora, but by the time I get to the bathroom, she’s gone.