Page 85 of Wait For Me
“What kind of potatoes would you like with your chicken?” Justin asks, looking at me.
“Mashed, please.”
“You got it. Is there anything else I can get you right now?”
Grayson and I shake our heads, and our waiter walks away with an exaggerated strut. I’m not sure if it’s for Grayson’s benefit or mine.
“Have I told you how beautiful you look?”
I scoot as close to Grayson as I can get and smile up at him. “Yes, but you can tell me again.”
“You look beautiful.”
He kisses me softly and curls his hand around mine under the table. It’s sweet and romantic and everything I could’ve hoped for.
“Can I tell you a secret?” I whisper.
“I’m nervous.”
He blinks and tilts his head. “Of what?”
“You. Me. This. Apparently, I can get on stage in front of thousands of people, but when a handsome single dad takes me on a date, my nerves go crazy.”
“You think I’m handsome?”
I chuckle and nudge his elbow with mine. “You know you are.”
“Don’t be nervous.” He leans in and brushes his nose against mine before taking my lips in another kiss.
“Grayson Calhoun, is that you?”
The feminine voice cuts through our quiet moment, and Grayson pulls back. His eyes light up when he sees the woman standing next to the table.
“Lacey?” He scoots out of the booth and hugs the beautiful brunette. “Why didn’t you tell me you were in town?”
“It was a last-minute work thing; you know how that stuff goes.” Her eyes move to me and then back to Grayson. The glance is so quick it almost didn’t happen, yet it makes me uncomfortable.
“How long are you in town?” Grayson asks. “I’ll be around tomorrow if you want to come over.”
My jaw drops. Is he serious right now? Making plans while on a date with me?
“I wish. I’m only in town for tonight. Just a dinner meeting and then I’ll head back to the city in the morning. I’ve missed you. I didn’t expect to see you out tonight. Where are the kids?”
“With Nick and Jessa.”
Lacey nods and holds him at arm’s length, and then her eyes slide to me once more. There’s a crestfallen look on her face that has me squirming in my seat.
Is she upset that I’m here with Grayson? Has she figured out who I am? And if she has, will she call the paps? I’ve been lucky enough to avoid that so far, and I’m hoping something tonight doesn’t set that in motion.
Grayson still hasn’t looked at me, even though this woman—whoever she is—can’t seem to stop.
She doesn’t seem unkind, just curious more than anything, and I can’t decide if she’s trying to figure out if it’s really me sitting with Grayson, or if she simply hasn’t a clue who I am.
“I’ve missed you too,” Grayson says.
I straighten my back, an attempt to appear calm and unaffected, but it’s getting harder by the second.