Page 24 of Double Score
We move up her body, each of us lying next to her. Grant sucks her tit into his mouth, and I kiss her hard, letting her taste herself on my tongue.
“That was amazing,” she breathes.
“Your pleasure will always come first. Anything you want, sweetheart, it’s yours,” I say, gripping her other breast in my hand. I knead gently, and her lips part.
“There is something I’d like to try,” she says.
“Tell us,” Ryan says.
I look at Grant. His eyes are closed, his head nestled against my chest as he sucks my nipple. I dip my fingers into his hair. He could suck on me for days and I wouldn’t get tired of it. It’s like he needs that part of me, and I’m more than willing to give it to him. Which means I’m also more than willing to give Ryan something that I think he needs, too. I just pray I haven’t read too much into a few things I’ve noticed.
I remove Ryan’s hand from my breast. At first, he pouts, but when I press his palm against Grant’s cock, heat flashes in his eyes, and I know I’m not wrong. Ryan wraps those long, thick fingers around Grant. A beat passes, and then another, and then Grant flies up in bed.
“What the fuck?”
Ryan tightens his grip on Grant’s cock, and Grant shoots off the bed, causing Ryan’s hand to land on my belly. Fingers laced behind his head, Grant paces across the room, careful to keep a solid distance between him and us. Hope looms behind Ryan’s heated gaze. That’s how I know I hit the nail on the head. He wants Grant. Or, at the very least, he wants to love Grant the same way he loves me. But it’s clear by the look of concern on Grant’s face that he has absolutely no interest in what Ryan is offering.
Or we’ve just caught him off guard, and he needs a minute to adjust.
“No.” Grant shakes his head. “Absolutely not.” He paces the room, continuing to talk to himself, and Ryan and I just sit back and watch. “We can’t do this, Ryan. What the fuck would it do to our friendship? I don’t want to fuck that up.”
“We fucked Emma. She’s our friend. How is that any different?”
“Christ, Ryan. She’s a woman. A woman we’ve both lusted after for years—” Grant stops, his eyes finding Ryan. “Fuck,” he hisses. “Have you…have you been…”
“I love you, Grant, but no, I haven’t been lusting after you for years.”
“Then what’s this about? Are you bi?”
Ryan shakes his head. “I honestly don’t think so. I never have the urge to touch a man until I’m with you, and that urge has been manageable until this morning with Emma.”
“You want to touch me?”
My eyes bounce between the two men like a ping-pong ball. What I wouldn’t give for a giant tub of buttery popcorn.
“It’s more than that. I can’t explain it.”
“Try,” Grant urges.
“I love you both. I’m in love with Emma, but my love for you is different. I don’t want to shower you with kisses in public the way I do her, but sometimes when we’re locked behind a closed door, and it’s just the three of us, I’d like to be able to express my love for you physically without worrying if it’ll upset you. I want to be in the moment, and if that moment leads to us being intimate, I’m okay with that because you’re my best friend. I trust you. I trust Emma. But I would never push you to do something you aren’t comfortable with.”
“I can’t fuck you, Ryan.” Grant drops his head as though the weight of the world sits on his shoulders. “I love you, but I don’t think I can fuck you. It doesn’t feel right.”
“He didn’t ask you to fuck him, Grant,” I interject. “He’s not telling you that he’s gay and wants a sexual relationship with you. He just wants to be able to express his love from time to time. When the three of us come together, it’s as one. I’ve never felt as close to anyone as I did when you were both inside of me. I felt whole.”
“Me, too,” Grant whispers, his eyes drifting toward Ryan.
“Our love is deep and intense, and it pushes boundaries. What does it matter if it’s my hand touching you or Ryan’s when we’re making love? We both love you. You love us. If we’re going to spend the rest of our lives together, I think it’s only natural for us to each express our love for each other in different ways.”
Both sets of eyes snap toward me, but it’s what I see swirling behind Grant’s gaze that has me enamored. The discomfort and trepidation have morphed into something more.