Page 29 of Double Score
“Fuck this,” Grant huffs.
My head snaps up, staring at the door as the two men argue from the other side.
“Where the fuck are you going?” Ryan yells.
“To get a fucking ax. If she won’t come out, we’re going to break down the door.”
My traitorous body clenches at the deep sound of Grant’s angry voice. I should tell them the door is unlocked—that I would never lock them out of my life—but every girl secretly wants her guy to fight for her, and I’m enjoying this. Plus, I have two guys, so it’s a double score for me.
“I think she would really enjoy you going all lumberjack on her ass, but I’m not sure now’s the time.”
“You’re right. An ax is too scary. Move back,” Grant growls.
“Whoa! Wait a minute,” Ryan says.
What is Grant doing?
I stand up and move closer to the door.
“Get out of my way, Ryan.”
“You can’t ram the door down with your shoulder.”
“The hell I can’t. Sweetheart, move back from the door. I’m coming in.” A second later, there’s a loud thud. I startle when the door jostles. And then there’s another thud and another and then the latch gives way. The door flies open, slamming against the wall behind it, and I stare open-mouthed as Grant tumbles into the room.
His grin is lopsided and slightly pained. “That was hot, right?”
“You broke down my door.”
“You didn’t give me a choice.”
“It was unlocked.”
“Shit.” Grant turns to Ryan. “I thought you tried the fucking knob, moron.”
Ryan grins and shakes his head. “Next time, I’ll remember to do that first.” He positions himself between Grant and me. “Emma, we know you’re upset, but this isn’t what you think.”
“You’re right, it’s what I know. I know that you convinced Daniel to move my application to the top of his list. But what I don’t understand is why. Why would you do that?”
Grant sighs and drops onto my bed. “You have a fancy new college degree and the world at your fingertips. We didn’t want you to move away.”
“Move away?”
“You were putting in applications all over the place—some, hours away,” Ryan explains.
“So you decided to clip my wings? You manipulated my life, Ryan.”
“Actually, it was Grant’s idea,” Ryan says, wincing when Grant stands up and punches him in the arm.
“Way to throw me under the bus, asshole.”
“I don’t care whose idea it was. You can’t play with my life like that. What the hell am I supposed to do now?” Pushing my fingers into my hair, I pace across the room. “I turned down several amazing opportunities to work at Hartford Group and…oh my gosh—” I stop and look at the men. “You didn’t just push my application to the top and get me the job, you negotiated my salary, too. Didn’t you? Why else would he offer a new graduate what he offered me? It’s because of you two.”
Ryan points to Grant. “Mostly because of Grant.”
Grant gives Ryan some serious side-eye and then wraps his giant hands around my upper arms. “You’re worth every fucking penny, and he knows it.”
“But I didn’t earn it.” I yank myself out his grasp. “I should’ve known something was up. No one else was offering me even close to what Daniel offered. He made the offer impossible to turn down.”