Page 6 of Double Score
“You just got out of bed an hour ago. You’re not going anywhere, kicker,” he says, using the nickname they’d given me in elementary school.
I used to kick everything: my mom when she made me mad, Daisy when she tried to steal a toy, and even Ryan and Grant a few times. On my tenth birthday, Ryan gifted me a soccer ball, and the rest is history.
Very gently, I grab his hand and lift it from my leg.
“You’re crazy if you think I’m going to play another round of truth or dare with the two of you. Not after last night.”
The men share a look, and Ryan leans forward, propping his elbows on his knees. “We need to talk about last night.”
“No, we don’t.”
“He’s right, sweetheart. Last night shouldn’t have happened,” Grant adds.
Talk about embarrassing. Not only did they freak out at the sight of my breasts, now they want to discuss it? Absolutely not. “I am not talking about this.”
Ryan rubs his hands together. “We can either talk or play. It’s your choice.”
“We’re too old to play silly games.”
“Talk or the game. You’ve got thirty seconds to choose, or we choose for you.” Grant has never ordered me to do anything, and for a moment, I just look at him and try to decide if I want to slap him or throw myself at his feet.
I go for option C. “What game?”
“How about never have I ever?” Ryan offers me an easy smile. And sure as shit, those tiny craters in his cheeks wink at me, making it impossible to refuse.
“What’s that?” I ask.
“We each take turns making a statement that starts with ‘never have I ever.’ If you’ve done whatever the action is, you take a shot.”
Grant jumps up from his seat. “I’ll get the alcohol.”
This just spells trouble, and I refuse to make an ass out of myself twice in the same weekend. “No.”
“What she really means is yes,” Grant says, walking back into the room with three shot glasses and a bottle of whiskey. He pours three shots, and I don’t even bother to argue because it’s pointless with these two. Plus, drinking sounds much better than talking about last night.
Grant clears his throat. “I’ll go first. Never have I ever kissed a dude.”
Rolling my eyes, I take a shot, and so does Ryan. Grant’s eyes widen, and Ryan shakes his head. “No fucking way. You’re not getting any details.” Grant’s deep laugh booms through the room, and Ryan refills our glasses then speaks. “Never have I ever gone skydiving.”
Grant drinks.
“Never have I ever had a threesome,” I say, knowing that I’ll be the only one not drinking.
Ryan and Grant each take a shot, and instead of Grant continuing with the game, he turns a questioning look my way. “You’ve never had a threesome?”
Is he serious? I’ve barely had sex. “Nope.”
Ryan rubs his jaw and watches me. “Why not? You have no idea what you’re missing.”
I shrug. “It’s never been offered.”
Grant lifts a brow. “And if it were offered?”
Elbows on his knees, Ryan watches me, and for a brief moment, I see the heat that Daisy was talking ab
out. His eyes aren’t just observing; they’re devouring me.
Undressing me.