Page 118 of Black
Rex shifts in his sleep, and I pull my hand back, not wanting to wake him. Sliding out of bed, I tug his T-shirt over my head and slip out the patio door onto the balcony. The sun has set, leaving in its place a black velvet sky sprinkled with diamonds. A crescent moon hangs high, and the twinkling lights of the Eiffel Tower in the distance provide the most breathtaking backdrop. A breeze floats through the air, and I close my eyes, remembering how hard Rex and I have worked to get where we are.
Since that horrible night a year ago, our lives have been anything but easy. Uncle Giovanni showed up at the hospital, much to Rex’s dismay, and confirmed my suspicions. The Blacks owed him a favor, which is how they ended up with me. He also gave me the keys to a storage shed in Springfield that held all of my family’s personal belongings, including my birth certificate and Social Security card—everything I would need to resume my life as Bianca DiMarco. Which is something I decided against.
Our meeting was brief, but my uncle assured me I was safe and that he’d taken care of Sal’s body. Three days later there was a media shitstorm regarding the disappearance of Sal Ambrosi, and I did as Giovanni had asked: I didn’t seek answers or explanations, I simply went about my life the only way I knew how, one day at a time.
I wasn’t the only one moving forward one day at time. Once Isa knew her sons were safe, she told them about her cancer. It was rough on Rex and Dante, especially after everything that had happened, but we rallied around her, and we went to every doctor’s appointment and chemo treatment she had.
Isa is a strong, determined woman, so I wasn’t at all surprised when she kicked cancer’s ass. She still has a long road ahead of her, but she’s in remission, and that’s what we have to focus on.
As for Dante, we’re getting along great, but I’m worried about him. So is Rex. He always puts on a brave face, assuring us he’s fine, but how could he be after everything he’s gone through? He’s buried himself in work at Vault, and every time I try to talk to him about our father, he tells me he’s not ready.
I have to respect that. One of these days I hope he’ll be ready, and I’ll be here to tell him everything he wants to know. In the meantime, every Wednesday night we have dinner, just the two of us. We talk about our lives—carefully avoiding the topic of our parents—and we’ve slowly grown to love and trust each other.
I’ll never forgive Isa for sleeping with my father, but I can’t hate her for it either, because that indiscretion brought me Dante.
My life isn’t perfect, but it’s perfect for me. I’m honestly not sure it could get any better. A few months ago Josalyn gave me the full-time job I’d hoped for. And as for the untouched bank account, well, Rex and I certainly don’t need the money, so it remains untouched. At my uncle’s request, I put it aside for any future children I may have. He said my father would’ve been thrilled to know he’d contributed to future DiMarcos going to college. Their last name won’t be DiMarco, though.
“What’re you doing out here?” Rex asks just as his body presses against mine, his hands grasping the rail of our balcony as he cages me in.
“Enjoying the view.”
“You should’ve woken me up. We missed our dinner.”
“We can order room service.”
He hums. “Yes, we can.”
He drops his lips to the side of my neck, and I sigh. “I’m not ready to go home.”
“We’ll come back.”
I nod. “Someday.”
“Maybe for our honeymoon.”
My breath catches, and Rex smiles against my skin.
“Honeymoon?” Slowly, I turn in his arms.
He’s wearing nothing but a pair of faded jeans and a brilliant smile.
“Why are you smiling like that?”
“Because you’re beautiful, and I’m the luckiest man in the entire world.” He presses his lips to my forehead and drops to one knee.
Leave it to Rex to remind me that my life could, in fact, get better. It just did.
“Rex.” My throat grows tight. Too tight too talk.
He wraps my hands in his and stares up at me with unwavering love. “Shae Black, I have loved you since before I knew what love was, and I will love you long after I leave this Earth. You’ve already made me the happiest man in the world, and I want to spend the rest of my life making you the happiest woman in the world.”
“You already have.” I drop to my knees in front of him, my eyes swimming with tears.
He grins. “I’m not done, baby.”
“Sorry.” I wipe a stray tear from my face and tuck my hand back in his. “Please, continue.”
“I want to make love to you every night, wake up to your beautiful face every morning, and someday, when we’re ready, I want to have babies with you.”