Page 57 of Black
Hope that I can live a normal life.
Hope that there are still good, decent people in the world.
Hope for happiness.
And most importantly, hope for love.
I’ve held on to that hope—letting it guide me through each day, through every text and phone conversation with Rex, a reminder of how far I’ve come—and today, it has guided me here. With a deep breath, I open my eyes and finish taking in my surroundings.
Dark wood covers the floor. High tables with matching wooden chairs are scattered along the back wall while thick, tan leather booths line the side walls. A decent-sized stage is set up in the corner, and the entire middle of the club is open and ready for the next wave of writhing bodies.
But the best part about the club, in my opinion, are the exposed beams that run the length of the ceiling. They give Vault a rustic sort of country feel, and I’m going to use that for the party.
“Good morning, Shae.”
I spin around to find Dante striding across the floor. He looks different than last time I saw him. Gone are the sharp clothes, designed to impress, and in their place are a pair of low-slung sweats and a black T-shirt. He looks younger today, more carefree.
“Good morning. You look happy.”
“What man wouldn’t be happy to see such a beautiful woman?” He walks up and engulfs me in a bear hug.
“Get your dirty hands off my girl.” Now Rex is walking across the dance floor. The easy smile on his face does not match the menace in his voice, and Dante chuckles. I smile back at Rex. Without releasing me, Dante spins around to face his brother, and I squeal as my feet are lifted from the ground.
“What did you expect? Girls flock to me, you know that. Look, your girl won’t let go,” he teases, tightening his hold when I try to break free.
And did I just giggle?
Rex steps around Dante to look at me. At the sight of his soulful brown eyes, I can finally breathe again, and I’m certain the smile on my face matches his.
“I should’ve warned you about my brother.”
“I resent that,” Dante quips.
“That’s okay,” I assure him. “I like him. He’s funny, and I can use more humor in my life.”
“Hear that, Rex?” Dante goads. “Your girl wants me in her life.”
Whatever comeback I had dies on my tongue when Rex brushes his lips across mine.
“Did you two just kiss? Because that’s where I draw the line.” Dante sets me on my feet, and I laugh, smoothing out my shirt.
“I wasn’t expecting you. Is everything okay?” Rex asks.
“Oh. Uh, you said to stop by anytime.” I hold up the folder in my hand. “I was hoping to finalize the menu for the party, but if this isn’t a good time—”
“It’s a perfect time.” He glances down at his watch. “But I have a phone call scheduled with my beer rep in five minutes. Can you hang around for a little while?”
“Yeah, absolutely.”
“I’ve got nothing,” Dante offers. “I can finalize the menu.”
Rex lifts a brow. “Perfect. For once, my brother is being useful.”
“Fuck off.”
They share a laugh, and I hand Dante the file. He lays it open on the bar and starts flipping through the papers.
“I don’t care who finalizes it,” I say.