Page 65 of Black
Shaking his head, he says, “Flip over.”
He doesn’t have to tell me twice. I turn and push my ass against his erection, waiting for him to guide himself inside of me. Lord knows it’s what I need.
Except that isn’t what he does.
With one arm tucked beneath my head and the other draped across my stomach, Rex holds me close, molding the front of his body to the back of mine.
“We’re not having sex again tonight.”
“We’re not?” I ask.
He chuckles, deep and sexy, and the sound shoots straight through me, and hell yes, we are having sex tonight.
“We’re going to sleep.”
“Sleep? I don’t want to sleep.” Slipping my arm out from under his, I reach back for his cock.
“Shae. Please.”
The desperation in his voice stops me.
“You gave me a piece of yourself this afternoon, and whether I’m ready to admit it, or you’re ready to accept it, I’ve been giving you pieces of myself as well.”
Needing to see his face, I try to roll over in Rex’s arms, but he doesn’t let me.
“I don’t do this, Shae. I’ve never done this.”
I don’t need to ask what this is, because I have pretty good idea… It’s the same thing I’ve never done.
“I don’t get to know women. That might sound harsh, but it’s the truth. I’ve never wanted to, until you. It’s scary, but it’s real—the most real thing I’ve ever experienced. You put yourself on the line today, opened yourself up to me, and right now I just want to hold you, so stop your damn wiggling, shut your mouth, and let’s cuddle.”
I take back what I thought earlier.
This. This is what I need.
Linking my fingers with his, I bring our hands to my mouth, kiss his knuckles, and burrow farther into the soft, thick covers, intent on letting him cuddle the hell out of me.
The chances of me falling asleep are slim to none. I’m wired, high on the adrenaline of telling Rex about the Blacks, but I’ll lay awake here all night if his arms are around me.
“Thank you, Rex.”
He kisses the top of my head. “For what?”
“For being you.”
“Faster, Bianca!”
The sound of Cami’s voice startles me, and I glance back, shocked and relieved to see her catching up. Then two boys turn the corner behind her, and what little bit of relief I’d found disappears.
Cami pushes my arm, and I whirl back around just in time to jump over a gaping hole in the sidewalk. “They’re chasing us,” she pants. “Faster, Bianca. You’ve got to run faster.”
“I’m trying,” I cry, batting at the tears rolling down my face. “Wh-who’s chasing us?”
I look over my shoulder one more time. There are two boys. The shorter one is struggling to keep up, but the taller one is gaining ground. His fierce eyes lock on mine, daring me to try to get away. Fear prickles up my spine, but I don’t have much time to dwell on it. Cami grabs my arm, pulling me behind her as she weaves left through someone’s yard.
My lungs are on fire, my thighs screaming in pain. Every cell in my body is telling me to give up, telling me it’s too late, but all I hear is Cami.
“Come on, B. Don’t give up,” she encourages. “We just have to make it to Uncle Giovanni’s.”