Page 83 of Black
“Your mother,” I breathe. I’m going to meet his mother. “And you’re sure your dad isn’t going to be here? Not that I don’t want to meet your dad,” I explain. “I’m just not sure I’m ready for that.”
The other night when Rex dropped the bomb about his father, I couldn’t even be upset. It was easy for me to tell him I understood, because I truly do understand. He doesn’t know how alike we are.
The real fear for me came because I don’t know what sort of connection Sal had to my father, and whether or not he would recognize me. I tried to remember if I’d ever heard his name, but I kept drawing a blank.
I have no reason to believe he would recognize me. I’ve been gone from the area for almost fifteen years, but you just never know. It crossed my mind to come clean to Rex, tell him who I am. Bianca DiMarco. But then I remembered Bianca DiMarco was a witness to her father’s murder, and right now I can’t take the chance of anyone finding that out.
“I promise you, he won’t be here. He’s in Florida for business.” Taking my hands in his, Rex leans down and gives me a reassuring kiss. “Relax, baby. My mother is going to love you, and she’s probably the sweetest person you’ll ever meet.”
I doubt that. My mother is the sweetest person I’ve ever met.
“Okay.” I blow out a breath and nod. “Let’s do this.”
Laughing, Rex rings the doorbell, and a moment later the front door swings open.
“About time you two showed up,” Dante says, shutting the door behind us. “Shae, you look beautiful as always.”
I shoot Dante a wink. “Flattery will get you everywhere.”
“I’m counting on it.”
“Get your own fucking girl,” Rex says, playfully shoving his brother. “Where’s Mom?”
“I heard that,” a woman yells from the other room. “Why do I feel like I’m constantly telling you boys to watch your language?” she asks as she walks around the corner, a dish towel flung over her shoulder.
Her dark brown eyes catch mine, and for a split second I swear I see her breath hitch and her step falter, but she covers herself well, plastering on a welcoming smile and heading straight toward me.
“And you must be Shae,” she says, drawing me into a hug. “I’ve heard so much about you.”
I look up at Rex, and he just smiles.
“All good things, I hope.”
“Of course, darling.” She pulls back, holding on to my upper arms. “So beautiful. Welcome.”
“Thank you. And it’s a pleasure to meet you as well. Rex speaks very highly of you.”
She offers Rex a warm smile. “My boys are too good to me.”
“When will dinner be ready?” Dante asks.
She steps back. “Always hungry. These two nearly ate me out of house and home when they were growing up. Come on, I just pulled the chicken out of the oven.”
Dante follows his mother, and Rex and I lag behind.
“See? I told you you’d do great,” he whispers.
“You were right.”
He leans in close. “What was that?”
“I said you were right.”
“I still didn’t hear you.”
Rolling my eyes, I push past him as he laughs.
My mouth waters as soon as we hit the kitchen. “This smells fantastic.”