Page 32 of The Fourth Hand
But from a journalistic point of view, it was there, in his hospital bed, that Patrick Wallingford saw the writing on the wall--his full recovery, or lack thereof, would never be the main story.
The medical ethicist spoke for longer, on-camera, than the twenty-four-hour international channel had given Dr. Zajac. "In cases like these," the ethicist intoned, "candor like Mrs. Clausen's is rare, and her ongoing connection to the donor hand is invaluable."
In what "cases like these"? Zajac must have been thinking, while he fumed off-camera. This was only the second hand transplant ever, and the first one had been a failure!
While the ethicist was still speaking, Wallingford saw the cameras move in on Mrs. Clausen. Patrick felt a flood of desire and longing for her. He feared he would never attain her again; he foresaw that she wouldn't encourage it. He watched her shift the entire press conference from his hand transplant to her late husband's hand itself, and then to the baby she hoped she carried inside her. There was even a close-up of Mrs. Clausen's hands holding her flat stomach. She had spread the palm of her right hand on her belly; her left hand, already without a wedding ring, overlapped her right.
As a journalist, Patrick Wallingford knew in an instant what had happened: Doris Clausen, and the child she and Otto had wanted, had usurped Patrick's story. Wallingford was aware that such a substitution happened sometimes in his irresponsible profession--not that television journalism is the only irresponsible profession.
But Wallingford didn't really care, and this surprised him. Let her usurp me, Patrick thought, simultaneously realizing that he was in love with Doris Clausen. (There's no telling what the all-news network, or a medical ethicist, might have made of that.)
But a part of the improbability of Wallingford falling in love with Mrs. Clausen was his recognition of the unlikelihood of her ever loving him. It had previously been Patrick's experience that women were easily smitten with him, at least initially; it had also been his experience that women got over him easily, too.
His ex-wife had likened him to the flu. "When you were with me, Patrick, every hour I thought I was going to die," Marilyn told him. "But when you were gone, it was as if you'd never existed."
"Thanks," said Wallingford, whose feelings, until now, had never been as easily hurt as most women assumed.
What affected him about Doris Clausen was that her unusual determination had a sexual component; what she wanted was brightly marked, at every phase, with unconcealed sexual overtones. What began in the slight alterations in her tone of voice was continued in the intensity of her small, compact body, which was wound as tightly as a spring, coiled for sex.
Her mouth was soft-looking, her lips perfectly parted; and in the general tiredness around her eyes, there was a seductive acceptance of the world as it was. Mrs. Clausen would never ask you to change who you were--maybe only your habits. She expected no miracles. What you saw in her was what you go
t, a loyalty that knew no bounds. And it appeared that she would never get over Otto--she'd been smitten for life.
Doris had used Patrick Wallingford for the one job Otto couldn't finish; that she'd somehow chosen him for the job gave Patrick the slimmest hope that she would one day fall in love with him.
The first time Wallingford even slightly wiggled Otto Clausen's fingers, Doris cried. The nurses had been told to speak sternly to Mrs. Clausen if she tried to kiss the fingertips. It made Patrick happy, in a bitter kind of way, when some of her kisses managed to get through.
And long after the bandages came off, he remembered the first time he felt her tears on the back of that hand; it was about five months after the surgery. Wallingford had successfully passed the most vulnerable period, which was said to be from the end of the first week to the end of the first three months. The feeling of her tears made him weep. (By then he'd regained an astonishing twenty-two centimeters of nerve regeneration, from the place of attachment to the beginnings of the palm.)
Albeit very gradually, his need for the various painkillers went away, but he remembered the dream he'd often had, shortly after the painkillers had kicked in. Someone was taking his photograph. Occasionally, even when Wallingford had stopped using any painkillers, the sound of a camera's shutter (in his sleep) was very real. The flash seemed far away and incomplete, like heat lightning--not the real thing--but the sound of the shutter was so clear that he almost woke up.
While it was the nature of the painkillers that Wallingford wouldn't remember for how long he'd taken them--maybe four or five months?--it was also the nature of the dream that he had no recollection of ever seeing the photographs that were being taken or the photographer. And there were times he didn't think it was a dream, or he wasn't sure.
In six months, more concretely, he could actually feel Doris Clausen's face when she pressed it into his left palm. Mrs. Clausen never touched his other hand, nor did he once try to touch her with it. She'd made her feelings for him plain. When he so much as said her name a certain way, she blushed and shook her head. She would not discuss the one time they'd had sex. She'd had to do it--that was all she would say. ("It was the only way.")
Yet for Patrick there endured the hope, however scant, that she might one day consider doing it again--notwithstanding that she was pregnant, and she revered her pregnancy the way women who've waited a long time to get pregnant do. Nor was there any doubt in Mrs. Clausen's mind that this would be an only child.
Her most inviting tone of voice, which Doris Clausen could call upon when she wanted to, and which had the effect of sunlight after rain--the power to open flowers--was only a memory now; yet Wallingford believed he could wait. He hugged that memory like a pillow in his sleep, not unlike the way he was doomed to remember that blue-capsule dream.
Patrick Wallingford had never loved a woman so unselfishly. It was enough for him that Mrs. Clausen loved his left hand. She loved to put it on her swollen abdomen, to let the hand feel the fetus move.
Wallingford hadn't noticed when Mrs. Clausen stopped wearing the ornament in her navel; he'd not seen it since their moment of mutual abandonment in Dr. Zajac's office. Perhaps the body-piercing had been Otto's idea, or the doohickey itself had been a gift from him (hence she was loath to wear it now). Or else the unidentified metal object had become uncomfortable in the course of Mrs. Clausen's pregnancy.
Then, at seven months, when Patrick felt an unfamiliar twinge in his new wrist--one especially strong kick from the unborn child--he tried to conceal his pain. Naturally Doris saw him wince; he couldn't hide anything from her.
"What is it?" she asked. She instinctively moved the hand to her heart--to her breast, was what registered with Wallingford. He recalled, as if it were yesterday, how she had held his stump there while she'd mounted him.
"It was just a twinge," Patrick replied.
"Call Zajac," Mrs. Clausen demanded. "Don't fool around."
But there was nothing wrong. Dr. Zajac seemed miffed at the apparently easy success of the hand transplant. There'd been an early problem with the thumb and index finger, which Wallingford could not get his muscles to move on command. But that was because he'd been without a hand and wrist for five years--his muscles had to relearn a few things.
There'd been no crises for Zajac to avert; the hand's progress had been as relentless as Mrs. Clausen's plans for the hand. Perhaps the true cause of Dr. Zajac's disappointment was that the hand seemed more like her triumph than his. The principal news was that the donor's widow was pregnant, and that she still maintained a relationship with her late husband's hand. And the labels for Wallingford were never "the transplant guy" or "transplant man"--he was still and would remain "the lion guy" and "disaster man."
And then, in September 1998, there was a successful hand-and-forearm transplant in Lyon, France. Clint Hallam, a New Zealander living in Australia, was the recipient. Zajac seemed miffed about that, too. He had reason to be. Hallam had lied. He'd told his doctors that he lost his hand in an industrial accident on a building site, but it turned out that his hand had been severed by a circular saw in a New Zealand prison, where he'd been serving a two-and-a-half-year sentence for fraud. (Dr. Zajac, of course, thought that giving a new hand to an ex-convict was a decision only a medical ethicist could have made.)
For now, Clint Hallam was taking more than thirty pills a day and showing no signs of rejection. In Wallingford's case, eight months after his attachment surgery, he was still popping more than thirty pills a day, and if he dropped his pocket change, he couldn't pick it up with Otto's hand. More encouraging to the Boston team was the fact that his left hand, despite the absence of sensation at the extremities, was almost as strong as his right; at least Patrick could turn a doorknob enough to open the door. Doris had told him that Otto had been fairly strong. (From lifting all those cases of beer, no doubt.)