Page 23 of Exposed (VIP 4)
She drops that awkward bomb, clearly quite pleased with herself, while Libby chokes back a laugh and Jenni blushes—though she doesn’t appear embarrassed. No, she’s pleased as well. As for myself? I’m beginning to wonder if I’ve fallen into an episode of The Twilight Zone. Scottie’s matchmaking for me too? What the actual fuck is going on here?
And what the hell do I say now? An uncomfortable laugh escapes me, and I rub the side of my neck that still tingles with the urge to turn and watch Brenna. The urge to run away is also high on the list. “You’re cute when you’re drunk, Soph.”
“I’m not drunk,” she protests, taking the bait. “I’m simply…cocktail-induced happy.”
Libby hums. “Let’s go tell Scottie about it, shall we?”
“Oh, let’s.” Sophie’s grin goes lopsided. “He’s so pretty. My mom is watching Felix for the weekend. I’m footloose and baby-free. I gonna take my man home and ride him like a wild pony.”
With that lovely image in my head, I really don’t want to look at my friend at the moment. But I can’t help myself; I glance Scottie’s way. He’s still at the bar but has moved away from Brenna and Marshall. Brenna, who pulls out her phone to take down Marshall’s number. It’s a kick to the gut to see. Irritation surges just behind that, and I grind my back teeth. What the fuck am I doing? My life was so much better when I remembered that Brenna is a pain in my ass and someone I should give a wide berth. It’s stupid to get caught up in this “problem” of hers.
A moment of mindless stupidity. That’s all it was. Now it’s over.
“We’re definitely asking Scottie how he feels about pony rides.” Libby takes hold of Sophie’s arm and peels her off me. “Nice to meet you, Jenni,” she says, as they head inside to torment Scottie.
Leaving me alone with my apparent date for the night.
“Well,” Jenni says expansively. “That was…something.”
“That’s Libby and Sophie for you. The encounter only needed Stella to make it a complete ‘embarrass Rye’ show.”
“I can’t believe I met Libby Bell.” She’s wide-eyed now. “God, she’s so talented. I mean, you’re all so talented. I’d love to meet the rest of the guys.”
Normally, that would be my cue to steer someone away from my guys. But I’m not feeling charitable right now.
“Good thing they’re over there.” I nod toward the corner of the terrace where Stella and Jax are cuddled up on a big round lounger. They’re talking to Killian and Whip. I don’t need to make eye contact to know those fuckers are watching me too. I’m being set up big time, and I’m not amused. “Let me introduce you.”
“Oh, I didn’t mean you had to…”
I gently take her elbow and guide her to my nosy-ass friends. “No, no, it’s my pleasure.”
They all do a terrible job at pretending they don’t see me coming. I fall into expansive, carefree, good ol’ Rye mode.
“Hey, guys. Having fun?” I ask, as Libby, having left Sophie in Scottie’s care, returns and sits on Killian’s lap.
Killian leans back in his chair, his hand on Libby’s hip, and grins. “Sophie told us all of Scottie’s favorite intimate positions. In detail. So maybe not fun. But entertained, yeah.”
“I’m so giving him shit later,” Jax says.
“Oh, hush.” Stella pinches his side. “You will not!”
“Yes, he will,” Whip, Jax, and I all answer in unison.
“You’ll embarrass him,” Stella says.
I laugh. “Kind of the point, Stells.”
Libby shakes her head. “Yeah, and then we’ll all have to deal with extra-evil Scottie. And suddenly we’ll be doing a guest appearance on some weird Japanese game show where they throw us in a vat of udon to fight it out for points.”
“That’s…scarily specific,” Jax says.
Libby gives him a speaking look. “Exactly.”
Sadly, we’re all properly spooked. Because she’s not wrong.
“You guys are a trip,” Jenni says at my side.
It’s my cue to introduce her. Stella is all grace and kindness. Killian and Jax are annoyingly smug. Whip gives me a quick look of sympathy. Couples, man. They lose their damn minds when they fall for someone. Suddenly, they want to pair up the world.
“Jenni works at NYU. Music department…” A movement at the corner of my eye catches my attention. Brenna and Marshall are walking away from the bar. They’re swallowed up by the crowd. The conversation around me dissolves into an indistinct buzz.
Jenni’s warm arm brushes mine. Beautiful, intelligent, into music, and can hold her own with my friends. She should be perfect for me. But I feel absolutely nothing for this woman. Ordinarily, that wouldn’t matter. I’m more than able to have sex without emotion. Truth is, I don’t know it any other way.
It’s kind of a shock to realize I’m tired of using soulless sex as a quick fix to forget the world. Which is hilarious, given that Brenna wants to use sex to forget her problems and I can’t stop thinking about giving it to her.