Page 41 of Elastic Heart
He knew what I’d said. I could see it in the way his gaze narrowed and his jaw clenched. Law was giving me an out, giving me another chance to say no. I took a deep breath and said, “Kiss me.”
Law closed the distance between us, his movements careful and calculated. I watched everything about him, from the way the muscles in his neck contracted and pulsed, to the hard gleam in his eye. He wanted me, that much was clear. The restraint in his features, though, was more alluring than any aphrodisiac.
When Law reached me he placed his hands on my hips, but he didn’t grab me or clutch me. His fingers rested featherlight on either side. I felt them with stark clarity, though. Every sense was attuned to him.
“Say it again,” Law demanded.
I complied. “Kiss me.”
It was like a wave crashed over us. Law gripped me, pulling us together. His light touch turned to stone, and I felt the raw power of him. We were two storms smashing in a plain. Two black holes colliding, and our ripple was felt throughout the entire universe. It wasn’t enough to describe our flesh meeting, because Law and I were extraterrestrial.
It wasn’t hate.
It wasn’t lust.
I wasn’t sure it was even love.
What happened when we fused was something like nuclear fission. We exploded. Our tongues fused, our hands frantically ripped off clothing. Foreplay was forgotten because our foreplay had been going on since the minute we’d laid eyes on one another.
“Are you sure you want this?” Law asked against my lips. He bent down to kiss my neck, tongue sweeping across the skin. I groaned. Did I want this?
“Shut up and fuck me,” I demanded. Law listened, ripping off my clothes and tossing them to the side. For a few slow seconds I was very aware that I was naked. It was the first time since Morris that I’d been naked with a man. Naked with anyone, even. The seconds dragged on at a terrifyingly slow pace. I felt cold. I felt exposed. I looked around for something to look at, just like I’d done with Morris. I needed a piece of furniture to help me cope.
Just as my gaze landed on a nick in my couch, Law grabbed my chin. “What’s happening right now? Look at me.” He held my skin with gentle force and so I focused on that, on the feeling of his rough hands on my smooth skin. When I was calmed, I took a deep breath and made myself look into his eyes. Warm like honey, and just as sweet.
I hadn’t even noticed he was naked; I’d been too busy trying to forget that I was. Heat rushed to my cheeks and between my thighs. He w
as absolutely stunning. Sculpted and defined. Raw. I leaned in and kissed him, pressing myself to his body, feeling the warmth he offered.
“Nothing,” I said, separating our lips. “Nothing is happening. I’m fine.” Law looked at me skeptically, but only for an instant. He wrapped his thick arms around me, pulling me in for a deeper kiss. Unlike before, where we’d been feverish and fast, this kiss was slow, languorous, and heady. I felt myself getting high off him, more so than I did with alcohol and weed.
Law lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around him. He curled his hands around me tighter and started backing us into the bedroom.
“No,” I said when I realized where we were headed. Law immediately stopped. “Not in there.” I still couldn’t sleep in the bedroom, not after Morris. Maybe I never would. I quickly kissed Law to let him know I still wanted to continue.
“I’ll fuck you against the wall, Dandelion,” Law growled against my lips. “But I think you deserve better than that.”
“The couch,” I said. Law raised a brow but carried me over to my ratty couch. It was old, I’d gotten it off the side of the road, but it was mine and it hadn’t been tainted by Morris. The few nice blankets I’d gotten at an outlet store were draped over the side. Plush and warm, they had been Raskol’s favorite place to sleep.
Still carrying me, Law picked up one of the blankets and threw it on the couch. He laid me down before climbing on top. Flashbacks of Morris’s big, hulking body suffocating me came out of nowhere. I started to hyperventilate and squirm. Quickly Law got off of me.
“I can’t…” I said between breaths. “I can’t be on bottom.”
As if it were the most normal thing in the world for a woman to freak out like that, Law simply pulled me onto his lap. The way I straddled him had his cock begging for entrance.
It wasn’t his cock that had me gasping and head high, though. It was his intense stare. It was the way he grasped my head between his hands, locking me into that honey gaze. It was the way he gently stroked my hair, making me feel loved. It was the way he made me feel safe. Even before Morris, I had never felt so cherished.
“Are you ready?” Law asked, sliding his hands from my hair to my sides. I nodded. “Say it, Nami.”
“I’m ready,” I said. Did that breathy voice belong to me? Slowly I guided Law inside of me. He was so big I felt like I was being torn open. At my pained face, Law slid out, but I gripped his shoulders and demanded he go back inside.
The pain was better than the emptiness.
When Law refused, I kissed him hard on the mouth. I used my tongue to argue my point. I used my lips to plead my case. I needed him inside me. At last Law ceded and entered me. The pain only lasted for a moment that time and when he was fully ensconced, it felt like I’d been holding my breath for months and could finally breathe.
“Dandelion…” I rolled over into Law’s arms, his skin warm and sweaty. I felt inexplicably safe as he called me by the nickname we’d shared before we knew our real identities.
“Tell me about your work,” I asked, lifting my head onto my elbow.