Page 68 of Let Me Go (Owned 2)
Eli lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. I could feel his length teasing my lips open. He kissed me hard before putting me on the bed. The instant before Eli pinned me down again I spun out from underneath him.
“What are you doin’ Bug?” Eli asked, eyeing me curiously from his spot on the bed.
“This.” I crawled slowly on top of him. Legs spread wide on either side of his torso, I could feel his length poking against my lower back. I leaned forward to kiss Eli and my body pressed farther against his. Our skin melded, hot and sweaty, my breasts pressing hard against his pecs. The roughness of his hair met the slickness of my thighs in a deliriously delicious dichotomy.
Eli groaned against my lips before I pulled back. Now was the time. We’d been teasing each other much too long. I needed to feel him. I reached behind and curled his length in my hand. Then I lifted myself up and guided him to my entrance. When we joined it was like perfect symmetry.
I fisted my hands on his chest, grasping at the skin as he moved inside me. Even though I was on top, Eli was still commanding me. His hands traveled up my back, pushing me deep into his chest and himself deeper inside me. Opening my mouth, a long, slow moan escaped.
“I want you to come inside me, Eli,” I groaned, kissing his chest as he splayed his fingers in my hair.
“Are you sure?” Eli’s gaze darkened, no doubt recalling the last time he’d come inside me. I hadn’t been ready then and it had stirred memories of the time I’d lost our baby—we’d lost our baby. Now was different. Eli knew the truth. He had seen my shame and declared it invalid.
I bit my lip, nodding. “I’m sure. I’m ready and I want to share this with you.”
Eli yanked my hair back, forcing me to look at him, and said, “First you.” Suddenly I was on my back and Eli was pushing deeper into me. In and out, Eli pounded a torturous rhythm that put me on the edge. I reached up for him but he grabbed both of my hands with one arm and pinned them behind my head. Upping the pace, he pounded harder and harder until I was crying out gibberish. When I came he stuck a finger in my mouth and I sucked on it, hard.
“Fuck, Gracie, you’re everything,” Eli groaned into my ear. I was barely present, still riding the waves of the orgasm he’d given me. “I could fuck you forever.” I felt him tense up and then that beautiful, amazing release happened and sent me over again. Eli practically crushed me into the mattress. We were so connected I couldn’t breathe.
Slowly we both came down. Eli rolled off of me and pulled me to his side. The sounds of the outside world, previously muted by our connection, started drifting back in. We lay contently together but the lovemaking had made me weary. My eyelids grew heavy and I couldn’t suppress my yawn.
“You’re everything,” Eli said again as I dozed off on his chest.
I rolled over feeling deliciously happy. Eli was sleeping next to me, his arm draped over my stomach. As I moved his grip tightened on my waist and he pulled me close to him. I felt happiness fasten its hold on my heart, threatening to pop, and I thought there would be no better way to die.
Sunlight streamed in rays through slits in the curtains, dotting the hardwood floor. I studied Eli’s apartment, because that’s what it was. He wasn’t staying at a hotel; in fact he almost looked moved in. There were no suitcases anywhere and he even had shirts hung up in the closet.
How odd.
The apartment was clean and modern, reminding me of the apartment I’d briefly shared with Vera, except where ours had been three bedrooms, his was just one bedroom and one bathroom with a small living room and kitchen. The walls were painted white with one blue wall or one purple wall in each room. The furniture was all different colors and patterns with light wooden inlayed. It was not really where I’d imagined Eli living, but it was stylish nonetheless.
I’d heard of people staying in other people’s homes instead of hotels. It was a service you could get off the internet. After my luck with internet housing, though, I doubted I’d be doing something like that anytime soon. Still, it seemed to be working for Eli.
Resting my head on the cushioned headrest, I moved up the bed to get a better view out the window. Eli’s place was close to the beach, but not as close as mine had been. I could only see the blue water through slits in the buildings. Even though I’d been living in California for a couple months, I still couldn’t get used to the sight of the ocean. It was just so vast and blue. Mesmerizing.
I was beginning to understand why people grow so attached to California. Say what you will about the state itself, the beach is completely separate from that. The beach is spiritual and beautiful. Even when it’s crawling with tourists and surfers and locals whining about tourists, it’s just there. In and out, flowing with the moon. Unaware of anyone’s pain yet seemingly intuitive of everything.
If I was glad of anything, it was that my journey had brought me the ocean.
And Eli, of course.
I turned my head back to Eli’s sleeping body. He was naked and I could read every muscle like words in a book. For once I didn’t feel ashamed watching him. I felt joy. I felt good. I felt lucky. I had a man who loved me, and who looked like Eli: beautiful and colored like cocoa beans with a taste like pomegranate and fire. I trailed my nails along the grooves of his back, feeling his sinew and skin meet my eager finger.
“Hmm?” Sleepily, Eli turned his head toward me.
“Go back to sleep,” I said, continuing my ministrations. “I’m just enjoying you.” Quick as a flash Eli grabbed me and put me under him. I laughed, enjoying the sound and feel. It had been so long since I’d laughed, I mean really laughed. Laughed without worrying. Laughed because I was happy.
“Hey!” I said between fits of laughter. “I wasn’t finished.”
Eli bent down and sucked my neck. “I want to enjoy you now.” I moaned as his tongue found my skin. “Fuck, Grace, I’ll never get enough of you. Your taste. Your scent. It’s all so fucking good.” I brought Eli’s head away from my neck and to my mouth so I could show just how much I agreed with him. I would never get enough of him either. If I could have, I would have put him in my pocket and kept him there all day.
That was an absurd thought. A laugh bubbled in my throat and escaped, despite me trying to stop it. It was not the time to laugh. Eli stopped nibbling on my lower lip and frowned.
“I was thinkin’ how I’ll never get enough of you,” I explained. “How if I could I would put you in my pocket and keep you there all day, and then I thought that was silly so I laughed. I know it’s stupid…” I looked away.
Eli captured my mouth. “If it’s possible,” he said through furious kisses. “I love you even more.” Eli thrust his tongue into my mouth, quieting any response I might have had. I wrapped my hands around his back, dragging my nails down his waist.
Everything about Eli had me on fire. The feel of his skin on my skin. His tongue warring in my mouth, claiming me. His hands simultaneously caressing me and overpowering me. I couldn’t get enough of it. I wanted all of it at once. I needed more.