Page 19 of Sugar
She was fire, passion, desire, and so fucking sexy, all wrapped in one package. He didn’t know how any man could let this woman go. They didn’t have a clue what a gem they had lost because he knew what he had and there was no way he was going to lose her.
Sugar was his.
Sugar didn’t know if Colton was awake, but she liked this calm that settled over her after they had sex. She was curled around his body, her hand on his chest, her skin so much darker than his it was a beautiful contrast.
Although she’d never given a thought to the fact that people might look at them differently, that being together could cause issues because of their skin tone, all she’d ever seen with Colton was how much she wanted him, how much she needed him.
Skin color wasn’t a factor to her, never had been. And she sure as hell didn’t give a shit what anyone else thought. It was clear Colton didn’t either.
She ran her fingers along his chest, his abdomen so defined and muscular. Moving the digits up his sternum, she circled the copper colored nipple. He had a light sprinkling of hair along his pectoral muscles, and she moved her hand through it, the strands soft and short.
He was all male, big and strong, powerful and smart. Sugar knew that that was what attracted her the most about him: his intelligence and the way he had commanded everyone. They listened to him, did what he said because he spoke with authority. He knew his shit. The way he held himself told them that he was in charge.
He wouldn’t be where he was—CEO of a company—if he didn’t know how to take care of business.
Sugar shifted on the bed and pushed herself up, staring down at him. Colton was sleeping, his chest rising and falling evenly, softly. His dirty blond hair looked darker in the room, and she couldn’t help reaching out and running her fingers through the soft strands.
She clenched her thighs together, desire moving through her at a fast rate once more. It didn’t matter that he’d just fucked her, made her come harder than she ever had in her life. Being around him was like gasoline on a fire.
Her arousal was never-ending, constant.
“What are you thinking about, beautiful?” He opened his eyes and turned his head to look at her, the smile forming along his mouth. She was surprised he was awake, and felt a little embarrassed over the fact he’d obviously known she was watching him.
Staring at his face, getting lost in the look he gave her, Sugar couldn’t help herself. She leaned down and kissed him, stroking her tongue along the seam of his lips, already addicted to the flavor of him.
Sugar was too embarrassed to admit how she felt, that she could see herself being with him for more than this one time. She didn’t want to hide her emotions. She didn’t want to keep what they shared a secret from anyone.
It was crazy but reality.
“Tell me,” he coaxed gently. He lifted his hand and cupped the side of her face, stroking his thumb along her cheekbone.
“Is it crazy to think that I don’t want this to end, that I want people to know that we are …” What were they?
She licked her lips and nodded after he spoke. Is that what they were? Together? Like a couple?
She lay back down next to him, curling her body against his. For long seconds he didn’t say anything and she wondered if she’d stepped over the line. But hell, after what they had just done was there even a line for her to step over?
He shifted on the bed so he was facing her now. “No, baby. In fact, I don’t want this to end either.” He still had his hand cupping the side of her face. “I want you with me, as mine. I don’t care that we work together, that our companies are merging. I don’t care what anybody would say. From the moment I saw you I knew that I wanted you, that you were mine.”
Her heart jumped into her throat.
“We might not have gotten along at first. I might have pissed you off royally.” He grinned. “But the attraction was undeniable.”
She couldn’t help but smile in return.
“But even through all that frustration I knew you were perfect. Your sass and fire drives me crazy … turns me on.” His voice dropped an octave lower. “And hearing you say that you were mine as I’m deep inside of you has every possessive and territorial instinct in me rising.” He shook his head slowly. “I can’t let you go. I won’t.”
Good, because she didn’t want him to let her go.
Sugar wanted to be his. Only his.
For the next week, Colton had three meetings in total with Sugar, each one to iron out the details of their mutual agreements. Every single day, he’d watch her and it was impossible not to think about her naked, open, spread out, ready to take his cock.