Page 21 of Sugar
But what Sugar had admitted to Sassy was the fact she was seeing someone. She just hadn’t said who that someone was. That is, she hadn’t until today, which she planned on doing. There was no hiding this. She wanted everyone to know about her and Colton, not just because she wasn’t the type of person that didn’t care what other people thought, but because she loved him.
Yeah, she was in love with Colton.
“So, what’s up?” Sassy said and picked up her scone, the cinnamon crunch glazing hard and delicious looking.
Damn, Sugar should have gotten one. Here she was thinking about eating when she was about to tell her best friend about the guy she had fallen in love with. Sassy took a bite of the scone and watched Sugar, the expression on her face curious.
“I know it’s something good, that’s why you’re stalling,” Sassy said around a mouthful of the pastry. She grabbed her iced tea and took a long drink from the glass, watching Sugar the entire time. “Man, this has to be good for the way you’re acting,” Sassy finally said after she’d set her glass back on the table.
“Yeah, it’s juicy alright,” Sugar said and leaned back on the patio chair, the metal digging into her skin. She stared at her lemonade, the condensation sliding down the blue glass. She reached out and moved her finger along the droplet of water.
Sassy grinned and cocked an eyebrow. With skin the same gorgeous dark shade, they had always had each other’s backs, knew what the other went through, and were more like sisters than friends. They were alike in almost every way, so Sugar supposed that’s why they got along so well, why most times they knew what the other was thinking.
Sisters separated at birth.
They’d joked about that more times than not, wanting it to be true when they were younger, wanting to live together, do each other’s hair, makeup, the whole nine yards.
But all these years later they were still just as close. They might have had their own respective lives and responsibilities, but they always made time for each other. For their sanity they had to.
“What about your love life? How’s that going?” Sugar asked, stalling. She didn’t know why she didn’t just come out and tell Sassy. She knew her friend would be supportive no matter what.
“Oh no you don’t,” Sassy said and pursed her lips. “You aren’t going to deflect and start asking the questions. I want to hear all about what’s up with you and this mystery man.”
“His name is Colton and he’s…” Sugar started speaking but froze.
He’s what? The man of my dreams? The love of my life? The only guy who has ever made me feel alive?
“He’s everything I wanted but didn’t know I needed.”
The look Sassy gave Sugar had her throat tightening with emotion. It was genuine happiness.
For the next ten minutes Sugar told Sassy all about Colton, how they’d met, the dogs, the company merger, all of it. It was so good getting it out, telling someone, especially her best friend, and it had this weight lifting from her. It was different than when she’d mentioned it to Amanda. This was Sugar pouring her heart out to the one person who had always been there for her.
“So yeah, that’s all of it in raw, gritty detail.” She swallowed as Sassy sat there staring at her, not speaking right away, but also not judging. It wasn’t like Sugar jumped into shit. In fact, she was more standoffish then she liked to be most of the time. She was independent and worried about herself. She never let her heart get mixed into anything.
Until now.
“You love him?” Sassy asked, her fingers wrapped around her glass, the seriousness filling the space between them.
Sugar didn’t even have to think about it. “Yeah, I really do.”
Sassy grinned … a genuine one. “Then I’m happy for you. I’m glad you found someone who can deal with your sass.” Sassy winked.
Sugar chuckled. “What are you talking about, sass? I’m as sweet as my name implies.”
Sassy snorted. “Yeah, on what planet? You forget I’ve known you nearly my whole life. You got more fire in you then hell itself.”
Sugar tipped her head back and gave a mighty laugh. God, she loved Sassy for calling her out on the real shit.
“But I’m gonna have to meet this Colton guy, you know, just to make sure he’s up to par. Because if he can’t handle me as your best friend his ass is out the door.” Sassy winked and grinned, the teasing clear in her voice.
“You’ll love him and he’ll love you.” That, Sugar had no doubts about.
“So, are you going to spill what has that goofy as fuck look on your face or are you going to make me pry it out of you?” Flynn asked.