Page 26 of Raul's Revenge
But instead Raul had been perfectly calm and correct. He'd stayed only long enough to tell her that he had spoken with his lawyer and, apart from wanting to
make an allowance for James, he totally accepted her stipulation of visiting rights only, and had left with a thank-you and a promise to be in touch.
'You're not listening, are you, Penny?'
'What? Yes—yes, I am,' Penny stuttered.
‘That damn man has got you mesmerised again.'
'Don't be silly, Amy. There is nothing between Raul and me any more; he treats me as he would a maiden aunt.' And it was true. On Raul's subsequent visits he had concentrated solely on James, with never a touch or glance that could be construed as the least sexual towards Penny. She was glad, she told herself, but deep down she was a bit miffed—though she would not dream of admitting it to Amy.
'I'm not so sure, girl. A leopard does not change his spots. I think he's lulling you into a false sense of security. He arrives twice a week, all very civilised and polite, plays for a few hours with the boy, then meekly leaves when you say so.'
'You worry too much.' Penny grinned at the fiery redhead's serious expression. For the first time ever in her dealings with Raul Penny had won... It was a heady feeling. Now Raul wanted to spend a whole day with them and she did not see a problem.
'I know what I'm doing. By allowing Raul reasonable access to James, strictly in my company, of course, it might be to my advantage when the final legal arrangement is worked out. James is entitled to know his father; I realise that now. And even you must admit Raul is great with the boy.'
'Great with James he may be, but I still think you should take my advice and have nothing to do with the man until your solicitor has the arrangement signed and sealed, strictly legit— '
'But I've already won!' Penny exclaimed in exasperation at Amy's stubbornness. 'Raul agrees with me completely. No marriage, no messy custody battle. We are two mature adults who had an unfortunate affair and James was the result. Surely I can agree to spend a day with the man for the benefit of James?' As the victor she could afford to be generous, she thought complacently.
'For heaven's sake, Penelope! Will you listen? You're still in shock from the trauma of James going missing, and Da Silva turning up like a bad penny has done nothing to calm you down. It's understandable, but you're not thinking straight, so please be careful.'
Amy's strident use of her full name gave Penny pause. Was she still in shock? She didn't know. And she didn't want to think about it. Remembering the twenty-four hours without James hurt too much. It was enough to know that she would never let her baby out of her sight again if she could possibly help it.
She drained her mug and stood up. She could use an early night, ready for the big day tomorrow.
'You're overreacting, Amy,' she said, giving her pal a reassuring hug. 'I'm off to bed, and don't worry about me; I'm fine. Tomorrow we are only going to the beach for the day. Raul is hardly likely to steal James from under my nose, now, is he?' She laughed as she left the room.
'There, my little dumpling, you're all ready.' Penny grinned and put James down on the floor. He was so sweet, dressed in a white towelling T-shirt with Mickey Mouse on the front and navy blue shorts.
'Out, Mamma.' And on chubby little legs he barrelled to the bedroom door.
Penny sighed happily and, with a last look in the mirror, picked up the holdall from the bed and followed her son down the hall. In the living room Nick was lounging on the sofa in his dressing gown. He had spent the night with Amy and looked like one very satisfied male, until James climbed on his stomach and began jumping up and down. Screams and laughter almost drowned out the persistent ring of the doorbell.
Unfastening the safety gate at the top of the stairs, and with a shouted order to Nick to hang onto James, Penny ran swiftly down and opened the door.
'Good morning, Penny.'
'Raul,' she said breathlessly. It was nothing personal, she told herself firmly. A woman would have to be dead from the neck down not to appreciate such a fine specimen of the male sex.
Gone was the businessman, the control freak, and in his place appeared a rakish, slightly disreputable character dressed in denim cut-offs, which revealed an amazing length of muscular, tanned legs, a sleeveless black T-shirt, which outlined the musculature of his broad chest, and with thick, curling hair falling over his forehead and begging for a woman's hand to brush it back.
Her eyes clung to his, and for an instant she thought that she saw a flash of savage hunger in his brilliant gaze. She took a nervous step back, then, remembering her manners, said, 'Come in.'
'You're ready on time, I see,' Raul drawled, his eyes scanning the length of her body with a very masculine interest he did not attempt to hide. 'And very nice too; slightly more voluptuous than I remember.'
'Thank you,' she said, colour surging in her cheeks. It was an old summer dress but one of her favourites— a simple scoop-necked white cotton crepe, buttoned down the front and falling almost to her feet. Then, turning to the stairs, she added, 'I think,' not sure if she liked his 'voluptuous' comment. And for a second she wondered if he was actually trying to flirt with her.
Dismissing the thought as unlikely, she walked into the living room. Nick was rolling around the sofa with James. Penny grinned and said blithely, 'Raul, this is Nick, an almost permanent lodger.'
'Lucky man,' she heard Raul murmur, but did not see the fierce hostility in his gaze as she slipped across the room, picked up a laughing James and hugged him to her chest.
‘Thank God for that!' Nick exclaimed in mock relief. ‘The little terror almost permanently impaired my masculinity.'
Penny chuckled. 'I sincerely doubt that, Nick.' And, still smiling, she added for the baby's benefit, 'Come on, darling; we're off to the beach,' and spun around.
'Allow me.' Raul was in front of her, reaching for the child, and when he put his large hands around James she flinched away because the backs of his hands seemed to linger against her breasts in a deliberate caress.