Page 37 of Gamble On Passion

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Page 37 of Gamble On Passion

'Get off me,' she screamed. 'You bastard.' She bucked wildly beneath him. 'You lecherous old goat, pig...' She screamed at him every vile name she could think of and then some, before he bent his black head and shut her mouth with his. His mouth burnt hers, his hard body pressing her into the sofa as the kiss grew deeper, more urgent, until with a despairing moan she felt herself succumb, liquid fire flowing through her veins with an urgency that was terrifying. Her head spun and she reached up to him, her hands sliding around his neck.

Leo ended the kiss, lifting his head. His gaze burnt on her swollen mouth for a second, then he slowly raised his black eyes to hers. 'Name-calling won't help you,' he said thickly, an edge of steel in his tone. 'I want the truth. You were running, and I want to know why.'

He wanted the truth, the one thing she could not give him; she had too much pride. She could not speak.

Leo moved to one side, his big body urging hers against the back of the sofa. He flung a heavy thigh over her slender legs, keeping her prisoner, but relieving her of his weight. 'Not the mute treatment again, Jacy; it won't work. I know I'm no expert with women—you only have to look at my track record to realise that—but-'

'You're joking, of course,' she prompted snidely, but Leo did not take her up on her sarcasm.

'No. But I honestly thought since you and I married I had finally got it right. You accepted me as your husband although I know I was less than honourable in blackmailing you into marriage. I thought we were making a go of it. But tonight when I returned to the apartment and discovered you'd gone I couldn't believe it. I almost went crazy when Liz rang. I have just spent the worst few hours of my life, imagining you hurt or worse. I rang all the hospitals before I thought of here.'

She wanted to believe his concern was genuine, but she didn't dare. She stared at him in silence, and felt the rapid beat of her heart quicken. Leo slid his hand to her neck, and he watched her intently as he felt the tell-tale beat of her pulse in her throat.

'You want me.' His thigh moved restlessly over her long legs, his arm around the end of the sofa slipped beneath her head, and he urged her face up to his. His lips brushed hers. 'Sex has never been a problem with us, so tell me what's wrong, Jacy.' For an agonising moment she was tempted to pour her heart out, but fear of further humiliation stopped her.

'Haven't you realised yet? I would do anything in the world for you,' he murmured against her lips. 'But I need to know what you want, what you need.' And all the time his hand strayed lower to stroke lightly over her breast.

His hands, his voice, the pressure of his hard body were all seducing her. She tilted her head back and her eyes met his, and she was mesmerised by what she saw there. His ruggedly attractive face was taut with some unbearable pain and his black eyes glittered as if with fever.

I love you, Jacy,' he said in a raw voice. 'You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, and I don't want to lose you.'

Jacy was too choked to speak. She began to tremble violently, and his arm tightened about her, drawing her more firmly against his muscular body.

'For God's sake, Jacy, say something. I'm baring my soul here, and you-'

'Is it true?' she said shakily. 'You love me?'

Leo stared at her fixedly, his body rigid. 'God, you know I do. I've told you a hundred times every time we've made love. I married you. How can you doubt it?'

She wanted to believe him, more than life, but... 'I thought it was only because of the baby.'

He stared at her for a moment in shocked disbelief, and then he laughed, a harsh, mocking sound devoid of all amusement. 'Your opinion of me is so low, you might as well know it all. I got you pregnant deliberately; at least I hoped I had.'

'What?' She gasped. Though, thinking back, it was strange that Leo, who had made such a point of being protected the first time they had ever loved, should ignore the same precautions when they were both much older and wiser... 'You did it deliberately?' The enormity of his admission stunned her.

'Yes. I know—despicable of me. But from the first time I saw you again at Liz's I determined to have you for myself. I thought I had succeeded that night in my apartment when we cleared up the mistakes about the past and would have made love but for the telephone call. When I was in America I lived every day for the sound of your voice, and when I returned to London I couldn't wait to see you, and I thought you felt the same.'

I did,' she said without thinking.

'But you went out with me for a bet,' Leo reminded her, drawing away to look intently down at her. 'I knew all along, but it didn't stop me wanting you. When I made love to you that night it was stupid male ego that made me throw the knowledge of the bet in your face. I knew I had to return to Corfu and I thought it would do you no harm to lose the bet, and I'd be back in a week and we'd take up where we left off. Unfortunately I got held up in Corfu. But I can't regret that night; because of it you married me.'

'And a little blackmail,' Jacy teased. Suddenly her heart felt lighter and she snuggled into his hard warmth. She felt his lips against her hair, and then they dropped lower to brush against her ear, and a shiver of pleasure raced down her spine.

'Blackmail aside-' he tilted her chin with one finger and gave her a crooked smile '—I thought I had won. In and out of bed, you're everything and more than I ever dreamed of.' His dark eyes, the pupils dilating to almost black, seared hers as he reached up and ran his fingers through the silken mass of her hair, sweeping it back fro

m her brow. 'I'm not asking for your love, Jacy—I know I don't deserve it—but I want you to stay with me.' He crushed her against him and groaned into her fragrant hair. 'I went through the torment of the damned tonight when you disappeared and I don't think I could stand it a second time.'

Jacy tried to speak, but couldn't for the emotion that blocked her throat. She swallowed hard, and Leo eased her back against the cushion. She searched his face for the truth. The rigidity of his features was betrayed by a muscle jerking wildly under the dark skin. Her golden eyes clashed with his and for a second she saw his heart in his eyes, the mask of cool arrogance stripped away to reveal the vulnerable man beneath.

She believed him. 'Leo...' she breathed, but he did not seem to hear, too intent on his confession.

'So if living here means so much to you, we will. Because there is no way on God's earth I will let you go.' His dark head lowered, his hand once more dipping to cup her breast. She felt the curling of desire and closed her eyes, lifting eager lips to his. He loved her. He would never let her go. They would live here... Then the reason she was here in the first place hit her, and with an almighty shove she dislodged him from the sofa.

'My God,' she exclaimed, her voice cracking with fury, unconcerned that Leo was lying flat on his back on the floor. 'I almost fell for it... And to think you accused me of sexual manipulation. Love? You don't know the meaning of the word. I saw you today with your girl­friend Thelma. What do you take me for—a complete idiot?' She was shouting, but didn't care. She never saw the look of incredulity on Leo's face as she swung her feet to the floor and sat up.

'Thelma? That's what this is all about.' And, tossing his head back, he roared with laughter.

Flushed, dishevelled and furious, Jacy jumped to her feet. His laughter was the last straw, and she aimed a hefty kick at his most vulnerable part, but before she could connect Leo had caught her ankle and brought her tumbling down on top of him. His arms closed around her in a vice-like grip and her face was buried on his chest. The curling body hair through the open neck of his shirt tickled her nose and she tried to raise her head. She got one arm free and planted it on his shoulder to push herself up, but his long legs twined with hers and she was caught between his thighs.

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