Page 2 of DILF
Needed her there?
God, I am fucked. Royally fucked.
Two weeks later
Lisabeth bit the top of the pencil as she glanced over the latest contracts that she’d just printed off for David. Unable to resist, she looked up and saw him on the phone in his office. Those clear windows were both a pleasure and a torture.
She appreciated her friend asking for this job. It would help with her degree in business but it also meant that she’d get a chance to see David regularly.
For as long as she could remember, David had been the one guy that had a starring role in all of her fantasies. It was why, at twenty years old, she was still a virgin, and there was no chance of that ever happening. She couldn’t bring herself to sleep with anyone else.
Even now she couldn’t stop staring at him. His shirtsleeves were rolled up, and he’d already removed his jacket. He was a large, muscular man, and she knew that because she stayed over at his home regularly. It was agony and ecstasy.
Get your thoughts out of the gutter.
She was wet between her legs, and her nipples ached.
When she was younger, she’d put her need down to a girl’s crush. Now it was something more, deeper. He affected her constantly and her nights were filled with dreams of him touching her, having his wicked way with her.
Running the pencil across her lip, she wondered, not for the first time, what it would be like to have him completely let loose.
She wanted him desperately.
He put the phone down, and his gaze turned toward her.
Gasping, she looked down over the contract again, feeling her cheeks heat. Had he seen her staring?
She couldn’t avoid him, not even now that she was humiliated. She picked up the contracts and went to his office. Her hand shook a little as she knocked on the door.
“Come in.”
She opened the door and stilled as she stared at him. His pen was flying across the page as he wrote. He was probably working on something brilliant.
“Do you want to have a look over these?” she asked.
Every single morning he set her projects to do. Today he’d asked her to print off the contracts and to highlight the key words for his meeting later in the week. He was teaching her as well as allowing her to experience a workplace environment.
“Sure, sure. Come on in.”
Approaching his desk, her skirt seemed a little too tight, and she ached all over. He took the papers from her, and she was struck by how long his fingers were, aroused by it in fact.
She wanted them all over her body, touching her, stroking her.
“Are we still heading to that little Italian place?” David asked.
“Yes, I got it set up but Rachel said she’s going to be a bit late. She’s got a couple of things to handle.”
“Knowing Rachel, she’s got her eye on a dress that is about to go on sale or something.”
She chuckled.
Rachel did love a good sale even though she could afford anything full price.
“You still like Italian? You’ve not gone all vegan on me or anything?” David asked.
“No, I still eat a good piece of steak.”
“That’s my girl.”
She felt thrilled when he said that.
He went through the paperwork, marking through it and making a few notes. She watched him, more than happy to do so. After ten minutes, he was finished, and showed her what she’d missed, but also what she found as well.
“You’re good. You can spot a load of bullshit and in business you need to be able to do that.”
“Thank you.”
“When is the next meeting?” he asked.
“In twenty minutes.”
“You can sit in on that and type up some notes.”
She tried not to show her giddiness.
The rest of the day flew by. She sat in on all of his meetings, listening to the business that was being bantered back and forth. Deals were made, some going stale, but throughout all of it, David never once lost his cool.
He remained focused, sharp, and totally in the moment.
Before she knew what was happening, they were already at the restaurant.
David checked the time, and she watched him.
“Any news? I’m starving and there’s no way I’m letting you go hungry for much longer.”
“Let me see if she’s left me a text,” she said, pulling her cell phone out. “Shoot. She’s working late and not going to make it.” She put her cell away. “We can go home if you want.”
“No, of course not. Let’s enjoy some food.”
He called the waiter over and she smiled at how he took control, ordering for the two of them. They both had big appetites and she’d never been embarrassed about eating in front of him.
“So, have you met a special man at college?” David asked when they were alone again, but she didn’t miss the growl in his voice, or the way his jaw seemed to tense after he spoke.