Page 14 of Baby In A Million
“I’ve read the summary of your work profile and understand you lived a lot of your life in the out-of-doors before moving back to Salt Lake. Obviously the accident such as she described was routine to you, but to your wife, it constituted much more of a threat, thus her reaction and instant recall.
“You see how beneficial interviewing both of you simultaneously will work to our advantage?”
Ashley was very much afraid that she did. When she darted a covert glance at Cord, his closed expression told her nothing about his inner thoughts.
“Willpower and self-mastery are always the keys to living a temperate life,” Vince expounded, “but many other factors get in the way. When two people live together, for good or bad, those factors increase, thus the reason for both of you agreeing to go through the program. By the end of the week, we hope to have accomplished a great deal.
“Cord—we’d like to see you walk out of here feeling physically fit and having less of an urge to light up because number one, it’s unhealthy. Number two, because through counseling here, you will have zeroed in on the stumbling blocks in your life that trigger your need for nicotine, and will have taken positive steps to remove them.”
Ashley stirred restlessly on the bed. Once they got into the past, it would be like opening Pandora’s box. She dreaded what was about to come out and wondered if she had the temerity to last the course.
Vince’s gaze centered on her. “If you get uncomfortable sitting there while I’m interviewing, please move around or lie down, or do whatever makes you the most comfortable.”
“Thanks. I’m fine for the moment.” Physically, she’d had a very easy pregnancy. Except for occasional back pain, she didn’t swell that much and the morning sickness left after the third month. It’s my emotional state that is in turmoil. Being with Cord like this is killing me.
The psychologist nodded. “According to the notes Dr. Drake left with me, I see that you were the one who filed for divorce. Is that correct?”
“How long have you been separated?”
“Eight mon
“When was the last time you saw each other since the separation?”
She bowed her head to avoid Cord’s searching gaze. “This morning.”
“So there’s been no communication until now?”
“Not until last Friday when Cord phoned me.”
“Yet you cared enough to help him, and he cared enough to ask for your help. That’s a good beginning if we’re to accomplish anything positive in the next seven days.” He cleared his throat. “All right. Cord? Let’s start with you. What’s your age?”
“From what I understand, you didn’t start smoking until you went away to college.”
“That’s right,” he answered quietly. Ashley kept her eyes on Vince, but she was listening to Cord with every part of her being.
“Had you ever been tempted by cigarettes before that time?”
“Most kids start in junior high or high school. What do you think made you take the first one so late in life?”
“I don’t know. I was at a loose end, and the fellows who roomed in the same apartment I did all smoked. One night at a party someone offered me a cigarette and I thought, ‘why not?’ That’s how it started.”
“We’ll assume for the moment that you’ve been at a loose end many times long before then and since. So what was different about that time?”
Ashley heard the draft of air Cord took in before he answered.
“I’d just left home after a bitter scene with my father.”
“Your mother didn’t figure in it?”