Page 45 of Baby In A Million
Actually when she thought about it, being around the wise nun was exactly what Ashley needed right now.
Though he didn’t immediately say anything, something flickered in the recesses of his eyes, giving her his answer. He wanted her safe, out of harm’s way. Out of Sheila’s way… He trusted Sister Bernice.
“Only if I thought you wouldn’t do any work.”
She smiled. “Taking care of the babies is a joy. Besides, it wouldn’t hurt me to have one last refresher course before my permanent job begins. If you have the opportunity to be near a phone during the trip, all you have to do is call the orphanage.”
“You would do that for me?” Though his breath sounded ragged, she could hear his relief.
“I think my presence here this week should convince you that I’d do anything to make our marriage work.”
In the next instant she was crushed in his arm
s, baby and all. “So would I, Ashley. Anything.”
His mouth descended on hers in a fiery kiss that burned its way through to her soul. “I love you, darling,” he whispered before finally lifting his head.
Her blue eyes stared longingly into his. “I love you, too, Cord. From the very first moment you appeared on that mountain ledge, my life has never been the same. If our awful separation has taught me one thing, it’s that my world makes no sense without you.”
“Amen,” he muttered fiercely. After one more soul-destroying kiss, he helped pack her things. As they passed the nursing station, he informed the person in charge of their plans. With another aside to Vince who said the vans were parked at the west entrance, she and Cord left the floor together.
Not satisfied until she was in her car and had backed out, he stood watching with that proprietorial look she loved, hands on his hips. “Expect me sometime Sunday afternoon.”
She leaned out the window for one last kiss. “You stay safe, too,” she ordered before driving off, her eyes misty. “I—I couldn’t handle it if anything happened to you.”
His face darkened with lines. “Nothing’s going to happen. Not to either of us. We have a son to raise and the rest of our lives to love each other. Just hold that thought.”
“I will.”
The hardest thing Ashley ever had to do was drive away from him. Thank heaven she was going to St. Anne’s.
When she reached the orphanage twenty minutes later, it appeared she’d walked in on a minor crisis because several of the help were down with the flu. Ashley could see another pair of hands were needed.
Sister Bernice appeared thrilled to see her and told her she was welcome to stay. But when Ashley offered to help out, the nun refused, reminding Ashley she needed to take care of herself this close to her delivery date.
Naturally Ashley recognized that there were a lot of jobs she shouldn’t do. But she knew the orphanage routine blindfolded, and after depositing her things in one of the rooms designated for new arrivals, she went to the nursery. Sister Bernice wouldn’t get too upset if Ashley helped feed a couple of the babies.
Though thoughts of her husband never left her mind, Ashley found that being with the babies made the hours fly by. When she went to bed that night, she was asleep before her head even touched the pillow.
Saturday she slept in, but by afternoon, she reported to the nursery again. She hadn’t been there long before she was called to Sister Bernice’s office.
“There’s a call for you,” the nun said with a decided twinkle in her eye before she left the room to give Ashley her privacy.
She thanked her, then picked up the receiver with trembling hands. “Cord?”
Ashley sank down on the chair. “I—I’m so glad you called.”
“Then you have some idea of how I’m feeling right now,” came his impassioned murmur. “This was my first opportunity. Sister Bernice told me you’ve been helping in the nursery. She also said you were an angel sent straight from heaven, but I could have told her that already.”
Too overcome with emotion she could only murmur, “It’s therapy.” After swallowing hard, “How are you? How is it going?”
“It’s good. I’m learning a lot. Being down here makes me hunger for the life we’re going to have in the Tetons. I’ve got plans, Ashley. I can’t wait to talk to you about them when I get home tomorrow.”
She gripped the phone tighter. “Do you know when that will be?”
“Around five in the afternoon. Vince has taken pity on me and says I don’t have to stay for the last meeting at the hospital. I’m free to come for you.”