Page 59 of Baby In A Million
His eyes looked burningly alive as he approached her bed. “If I hadn’t been there to witness it all for myself, I wouldn’t believe you’ve just had a baby.”
She wanted to tell him exactly how he made her feel, but his lips smothered any sound as he engulfed her in a kiss that said so many things, she forgot where she was or what was happening. That is, until she heard a baby’s lusty cry which was growing louder by the second.
“Our son is dying to see his mother,” Cord whispered against her avid mouth. “Just don’t forget that his father demands equal time with you later.”
“I’ll never forget,” she vowed, pressing another kiss to his lips before he backed away enough for the nurse to place Cabe in her arms.
“Oh—” Ashley half-cried as she removed the folds of the receiving blanket. “He’s so beautiful, Cord. Look at him.”
“I’ve been down in the nursery with him the whole time, getting everything on video. They even let me bathe him this morning,” her husband exclaimed with deep satisfaction. “I’m now an expert.” He pulled up a chair next to the bed.
“How wonderful! Did he love his bath?”
Cord’s smile hurt it was so tender. “He did.”
“Look at his ears and eyelashes. Aren’t they adorable?”
Together they examined every inch of him, exclaiming, laughing with delight over every perfect part, especially the little faces he made.
Cord was quick to point out the likenesses to her, the telling details that proclaimed him their child and no one else’s.
The baby quieted down, seemingly content to have both parents fussing over him.
“He’s more mature than the other babies,” Cord confided with fatherly pride. “I made it my business to find out that he’s the biggest newborn in the nursery.”
Ashley laughed. “No wonder I was so uncomfortable! But I’d do it all again for another one just like him.” She kissed the soft skin of his cheeks. “He does seem solid, doesn’t he? And gorgeous, just like his father,” she cried out, still trying to believe that the miracle had happened.
“Ashley—” he whispered thickly. “I’ve wanted this for so long…” He caressed the side of her neck with his lips, unable to contain his emotions.
Despite the drug still in her system and her exhaustion, the sensations he aroused shot through her body like wildfire. She knew her hormones were raging right now, and Cord’s nearness only made them that much more pronounced.
“So have I, darling,” she said when she could find her voice. “Everyone in the world should experience this happiness.”
Together they doted on their son until he started to show signs that he was hungry. At that point Ashley did her best to accommodate him.
The nurse explained it took time to do it right. In a few days it would all come naturally. Her optimism reduced some of Ashley’s anxiety, especially when Cabe finally fell asleep satisfied.
“You’re ready to pass out, too,” Cord murmured. “I’ll put him in the crib right here by your bed.”
“Don’t leave me,” she begged him after the nurse had administered more painkiller. The IV was still in her hand and wouldn’t come out till morning. Then she’d be able to eat.
“There’s no chance of that!”
The primitive ring of those words sent her off to heavenly oblivion. When she awakened a couple of hours later, she discovered her husband in a lounging chair, the baby fast asleep against his shoulder, their cheeks touching.
Her heart turned completely over. If only she had a camera to preserve the moment!
Fortunately the nurse popped in before either of them awakened. In a whisper, Ashley prevailed on the older woman to hand her the video camera Cord had put on the dresser.
Though somewhat shaky, she took a minute’s worth of video before handing it back to the nurse. That part of the film would be a priceless treasure.
To Ashley’s chagrin, the nurse had to take the baby away to the nursery, but she promised to return with Cabe in a couple of hours.
Carefully, she eased him off Cord’s broad shoulder, then settled him in the cart and left the room. If a person could die from too much happiness, then Ashley was a prime candidate.
She lay back against the pillows and watched her husband who had been through as much emotionally as she had. Not only the delivery of the baby, but the scene at the house which had precipitated Cabe’s premature birth.