Page 11 of A Taboo Collection
“Don’t you have a game to get ready for or something?” she asked as she closed up the bottle of nail polish.
This was our last year of high school, and I’d be lying if I didn’t admit I’d thought about what I was going to do afterward, and if I’d have the balls to tell Charlotte that I wanted her. But this whole situation was fucked. She was my stepsister, and wanting someone that was related to you, even if only by marriage, was fucked up.
“Don’t you have some girl to fuck,” Charlotte said with disgust in her voice.
I finished off my drink, tossed the can in the recycle bin, and grinned. “Why are you so curious about who I’m going to be fucking?” Truth was there wouldn’t be any fucking going on, not by me at least. My dick only ever got hard for Charlotte.
She stood, those little shorts molded to her fucking crotch because of the way she’d been sitting. I cleared my throat and turned away from her. I didn’t need to show her my cock was tenting my jeans like motherfucker.
“I’m not, believe me. I don’t want to know about your nasty exploits.”
I chuckled, flashing her a grin. She got nervous around me a lot, but recently, I started seeing the way she blushed when I teased her. It made me want to do it more because she looked so damn good like that.
She was standing beside me while she got a glass of water, and I turned, purposefully brushed my arm against her, and kept it moving. My cock jerked from that small touch and from the scent of sugar that always seemed to come from her.
“You know you’re the only girl for me, Charlotte,” I said in a low voice, seeing the way goosebumps popped up along her arms. She turned her head and looked up at me, her eyes big and blue, her dark hair framing her face.
“You’re such a damn pervert.”
I could hear in her voice that she was trying to sound harder, angry even, but it came out as more of a breathy sound.
I was an asshole, because although I hid my erection from her, I liked to run my mouth, liked to make her uncomfortable with the dirty things I said to her.
“You like that I’m this way, admit it,” I said and grinned.
She clenched her teeth, turned her attention away from me, and didn’t respond. I grinned even wider.
Fuck, I’d need to go jerk off now because there was no way could I play football with this monster standing stiff between my legs.
Just looking at him pissed me off. The fact my mother and his dad made me go to his stupid as hell football games annoyed me, but I kept that all to myself. Not only was my stepbrother one of the biggest, cockiest guys at school, he was also not ashamed of the fact that his nickname was ‘Player’. It could have been because he played football, but I knew it was mainly because he was a fucking manwhore, or so his reputation claimed. I’ve never actually seen Derek with another girl, not at school and certainly not by him bringing one to the house.
“Your brother—”
“He’s not my brother,” I correct Greg, my stepfather, Derek’s dad.
Greg looked at me and sighed before facing the field again.
“Charlotte, I wish you’d try to make an effort,” my mom said, but I didn’t respond.
Three years of living under the same roof as that cocky asshole was making an effort.
I turned away from them and watched as Derek tackled some poor sap to the ground. The crowd seemed to gasp as one, and it was a pretty good reaction since Derek had taken the other player to the ground like a tank demolishing a building.
Derek was huge; a beast of a senior in high school, he stood at six-foot-four with muscles stacked upon each other.
Greg had been married to my mom since I was a freshman. For some reason, they wanted us to see each other as siblings, which grossed me the fuck out. Derek was nothing more than an intruder in my life, a womanizer that got off on females because he knew he was hot and they’d fall for him.
What pissed me off more than anything else was the fact Derek was such an asshole. It wasn’t that he treated me like shit, or that he ignored me at school. He didn’t do anything of those things. What angered me was the fact he was after me, and by after me, I mean he wanted to fuck me.
At least, that’s the vibe I got lately.
It wasn’t as if Derek came out and said he wanted to sleep with me. Or maybe it was all in my head because I was the one that wanted him?