Page 45 of A Taboo Collection
To say I wanted her was the biggest fucking understatement of the century, but I held back, and that was not something I’d ever done before. Frankly I was confusing the hell out of myself.
I walked over to the ropes, rested my forearms on them, and stared at her. Fuck, I didn’t even know her name.
She was talking to Rowdy, one of the fighters that trained with me. When she rose on her toes to give him a hug, this jealous part of me rose up. I’d never been hung up on women before, never even gave a shit what happened to them after I pulled my dick out of their tight heat. I fucked them and left the next morning, and I never gave it a second thought.
Even after only a few times of seeing her it was the image of her naked and spread for me that I jerked off to.
But she’d only come in here a few times, and the fact I wanted her this badly, without ever even speaking to her, told me I had to be one fucked up asshole.
I’d convinced myself I was so fucking hung up on her because I wanted to fuck her so badly I’d gotten obsessed with her.
But as much as I wanted to turn away from the sight of her touching some other asshole, even if it was innocent, a part of me forced myself to stay, to look at her.
She pulled away from Rowdy and smiled up at him, and I swear the fucking room lit up like fireworks had just been set off.
“We doing this or not?” Stone said from behind me, the other fighter ready to get down and dirty as we boxed.
“Fuck off and wait a minute,” I replied, my focus on her. Stone grumbled something under his breath.
She walked over to the benches and sat down, facing the punching bags. I didn’t give a fuck that I was staring at her, that I couldn’t even pretend that I didn’t want her in a bad way.
I lowered my gaze to a part of her shorts that were gapped open slightly, and I groaned low in my throat when I saw a glimpse of her bright pink panties. The way she sat, straddling the bench, her shorts riding up even more, and the sight of her underwear had my dick twitching. But I told the fucker to stay down, that here and now wasn’t a good time for that bullshit. When I was home and in the shower I’d jerk one off, or maybe two, just thinking about her.
Rowdy walked up to the ring, and I glanced at him, knowing I should keep my fucking mouth shut, but also not caring because just knowing he touched her pissed me off. The longer I stared at him and the way he smirked at me, probably knowing I wanted her really fucking badly, had me snapping.
“You fucking her?” I asked, and Rowdy lifted an eyebrow, his eyes widening a second.
“What? Fucking who?” Rowdy asked, his confusion clear.
I tipped my chin toward her. She was packing up her workout gear.
Maybe I should have been a little more decent when talking about her, but I never claimed to be a gentleman. “The bird. Are you fucking her or is she free range?” I lifted a brow, waiting for him to answer. Yeah, I could be a motherfucker on the best of days. I might stare at her, obsess about her too, but I could play this off like she was just a piece of ass.
Isn’t she, though?
Before I knew what Rowdy was doing, he was in the ring, nose-to-nose with me.
“What the fuck did you just say to be, boy?”
My first reaction was to push him back, but I held my ground.
“It’s a simple question. She’s come in here a few times, and you’re the only one she talks to and trains with.”
Rowdy’s nostrils flared. “Watch it, Mal. That’s my baby sister you’re fucking talking about.”
I had been ready to throw punches with Rowdy for the simple fact he’d gotten up in my face, but his words stopped me, shocked me even.
I looked at the female again and saw she was looking at the both of us, her eyes slightly wide as she no doubt heard the confrontation. We hadn’t exactly been quiet.
“She’s your fucking sister?”
Rowdy flared his nostrils again and nodded. “Yeah, so watch your fucking mouth.”
“You never said shit.”
Rowdy took a step back and eyed me up and down. “It’s no one’s business.”
Okay, so she was off-limits because she was Rowdy’s sister?
I looked at her again, saw she was staring right at me, and I felt this pretty primal part rise up in me. I should have stayed away because she was another fighter’s sister, but the truth was I wanted her too badly to give a shit about technicalities.