Page 32 of Too Hard (Too 1)
“Yeah,” I agree. They moved out of the dorms after the first year and got a place of their own—a condo. It had the basics and nothing more. It reminded me of how I used to live, before I knew what making a home really meant. I tried to spruce their place up a little, but they told me it didn’t matter. They were only staying until school was done. Now it’s done and they’ve gone out and bought a house. Together. Nellie and I were always close growing up, but when we moved out we didn’t do it together. We both went and got our own places. I don’t think those two will ever be apart.
My phone rings, breaking me from my thoughts. Nellie’s name lights up the screen as we pull into the driveaway of our house. I glance at the clock. We have a little time before people start to show up. My mom and aunt will be coming a little later. They’re taking our son to see his first movie.
“What’s up?” I say as Butch opens my car door for me to get out. I turn at the sound of a car pulling up the driveaway. It’s the twins already. They got here fast.
“I’ll be there in a little. I had to make a stop.” I can hear someone in the background, making me wonder where she went. She was at the graduation with us and slipped out moments before Butch and me. I figured she wanted to get back here too to make sure everything was ready for the party.
The twins walk over towards me. They’ve discarded their graduation gowns and now they’re back in their usual jeans and T-shirts.
“Where’s Nellie?” they ask Butch. Butch shrugs, looking to me. I point to my phone and get back to my phone conversation.
“A stop where? We forget something?”
She makes a forced laugh. “No, I went home to drop my car. I’m coming with a date.”
“A date!” I shout. She has a date! I can’t remember the last time she had a date. Maybe she finally found someone.
“Yeah, a date. I didn’t want to be the only one without a date.”
“Okay.” I don’t understand what she means. Who else is bringing a date? My eyes shoot to the twins. Maybe they have dates, too. When my eyes land on them, they both look pissed. No, more than pissed.
“See you soon,” Nellie says and ends the call. Butch wraps his arm around me, kissing me on top of the head. “Come inside, little one. The twins need a moment.” I put my phone back into my purse. The two of them are pacing back and forth.
“What’s going on?” I ask. I start to get worried. He lifts me up as we enter the house.
“What’s going on is my cock is still too hard from watching you play with yourself before we left this afternoon and we only have about fifteen minutes to fix it.” I wrap my legs around him. He takes the steps two at a time, kicking our bedroom door closed behind him before he tosses me onto the bed.
“I don’t think there is such a thing as too hard.” I lift up on my elbows. “But if you think so, maybe I could fix that for you.” I part my thighs, showing him that I’d ditched my panties when he wasn’t paying attention.
I was right. My man could never be too hard.
but not for long