Page 9 of Too Hard (Too 1)
As I watch them get into Owen’s car my pocket vibrates. I pull it out to see a text from Harlow.
Harlow: Stop trying to set me up with your old man friends. There’s only one gray fox I’m after and last night I dreamed he was giving me the dick.
I stare at my phone in shock and realize she must have meant this for someone else. The boys honk as they pull away and I absentmindedly wave as I go back in the house. Can she be talking about me? I put my hand over the front of my jeans and rub myself. Shit, I can’t know this information. Even if she’s not talking about me she’s talking about wanting to fuck an older man, and that’s enough to make me want to cum on myself. I rush upstairs because I’m supposed to be at her place soon and I can’t walk around like this. I’m not supposed to want this, but she’s put a steak in front of a starving man.
When I shut the door to my bedroom I push my jeans down and grab the lotion I used last night on the bedside table. I squirt a little into my hand and rub it all over my cock before I start jacking it.
Me: How big was it?
Even if she doesn’t respond the image of her taking my dick is enough for me. The fantasy of her begging me to cum inside her so she knows what it feels like.
I look down at my phone on the bed and see she’s typing. She stops a few times before it starts again. Finally a text comes in and I look down at it smiling.
Harlow: The number you have reached is no longer in service. Please check the number and try again. If you need help hang up and then dial the operator.
I text back with my left hand, which is much slower, but I can’t stop jacking off long enough to use my right.
Me: I’ll see you in twenty minutes.
There’s another pause and then more typing before she sends another text.
Harlow: Okay
I laugh to myself as I rub my cock and think about how embarrassed she probably is right now. In my mind she’s got her face buried in her pillow and I come up behind her and pull her ass in the air as I sink into her. Only one thing is going to make her feel better and that’s my big dick inside her. I bet she thought about it last night. I wonder if she put her fingers in her pussy while she did it. That thought alone has me cupping my hand over the end of my cock to catch my cum.
“Fuck,” I curse as it pours out of me and into a pool in my palm. I stumble back a little at the force of it and I’m shocked at how powerful and fast that was. I haven’t gotten this hard since I was a teenager.
After I clean up I fix my clothes and grab my tool belt and load up my truck. I’ve got what I need to fix it and I can’t wait to see her today. There’s a niggle of guilt and doubt in the back of my mind, but it’s overridden by my curiosity to find out what that first text message was about.
Chapter Five
I fling open the door before Nellie can bring her hand down to knock. “You’ll never believe what I did!” I yell.
“Trust me, I’ll believe it.” She walks past me and into my apartment without asking what I did to get myself into a mess.
“Is that Donut King?” I nod at the bag she’s holding in her perfectly manicured hand as she drops it on the counter. I can’t see her face, which is probably a good thing right now.
“This is why we can’t have nice things,” she mumbles before turning back around. “Yeah, it’s Donut King. I wasn’t sure which one of us would need them more.” She takes one out before handing me the bag. “Looks like we both do.”
I pull out a sprinkled one and take an extra-big bite. I really do need this right now.
“I’m guessing you did something besides this?” She motions towards my kitchen. At least I have something to talk about besides the kitchen. The less focus on that, the better.
I shove more donut into my mouth as I hand her my phone and show her my mortification. It only takes her a second to read it before she gasps and then bursts into laughter.
“I was wondering why you didn’t text me back.” She’s laughing so hard I watch tears fall down her cheeks. “Maybe dating isn’t your thing. The first time you text with a guy and you send this.” She hands me back the phone as she tries to pull herself together. “You didn’t tell me you were going to text him.”