Page 10 of Too Many (Too 2)
He pulls his mouth from mine and I feel his lips on my neck as he kisses his way up to my ear. I close my eyes as I enjoy the pleasure of his touch. My hips move with his fingers and I’m so close to coming.
“You’ll have to let Owen eat your pussy first. It’s not fair he doesn’t get to see this.”
“Oh God,” I breathe and his fingers stop moving. I plead, “Elijah.” Why is he stopping? I’m about to come undone at the seams.
“Promise me you’ll show up tomorrow and let Owen eat your cunt while I watch.” He leans back so I can look up into his eyes. I’m so close to coming and he knows it. “Say it, baby girl.”
“I’ll be there tomorrow.” His fingers still don’t move and I nearly cry. “I promise.”
A wicked smile pulls at his full lips and he knows he’s won. “Then come for me.”
His eyes drop to my body that is on display with my robe wide open. I can see the desire and need in his eyes as he rubs my clit. I reach out and grab a hold of him as the orgasm hits me. I cry out his name and my knees give out, but Elijah swoops me up into his arms and carries me into my bedroom. He lays me down on the bed and kisses me so softly.
“Tomorrow, baby girl.”
I roll over and wonder if maybe I fell asleep and this was all a dream. It’s too wonderful to be real.
Chapter Six
“I’ve told you fifteen times already. I’m not telling you again,” Elijah says as he closes the refrigerator door.
“At least let me smell your fingers,” I demand, grabbing his wrist.
He smiles smugly as he shakes his head. “Already licked them clean.”
We spent the last hour going over every single detail and I’m not going to be able to make it to tomorrow.
“What time is she supposed to be here?” I stare at the clock and will it to speed up.
“She told us before she’d be by here after she dropped off some samples to Harlow in the morning. So I’m guessing sometime after that.”
Elijah shrugs and I groan. I can’t wait that long.
“I’m going to beat off a few times and call it a night. See you tomorrow.” He tips his bottled water at me as he walks away and I grind my teeth.
I wasn’t doing too bad at pretending to be both of us until Dad called me out about an hour after Elijah left. I played it cool and said he had to check on Nellie, which wasn’t a complete lie. He looked at me suspiciously, but I have to wonder if deep down he doesn’t suspect something. After his wedding to Harlow, he sat Elijah and me down to talk to us about her. He said that we were brothers and that no matter what we shouldn’t let a woman come between us. When we both exchanged a look about it, he seemed confused but only for a second. He kept talking about being loyal and sticking together and we got up and patted him on the shoulder as we walked away. I’m not entirely sure how he’s going to feel about the two of us being with Nellie, but it’s just something that he’ll have to be okay with. Above all else he loves us, so it will all work out.
My feet are heavy as I climb the stairs to the loft. There’s a room up here where I can play my video games and there’s a large couch I crash on. The place we bought has enough bedrooms, but I don’t like sleeping in them alone. It was different when Elijah and I shared a dorm room because sleeping in the same room was a necessity. We had different rooms growing up, but I like being close to him. I don’t want to sleep in the same bed or anything, I just don’t want to be too far. Maybe it’s a twin thing, but sometimes he’ll come in here when I’m up late playing and he’ll sleep on the couch.
He has a small room at the end of the hall he stays in sometimes. But the master is the one we’ve been saving for Nellie. I go in there every now and again and just stare at the bed. I picture her in it laid out for us and I get hard. A slight breeze has my cock standing up and ready to go, but when I think of her, I ache everywhere.
I turn on my Xbox and see Harlow is on. I send her a message and she replies that Dad and the baby are asleep in the bed so she’s getting in some playing time before she passes out. I want to lose myself in the game, but a few minutes in and I toss the controller onto the table. I can’t concentrate on anything but Nellie. Doubt plagues me and I wonder if I have her like I want, will this burning desire for her go away? How can I need someone this much?