Page 17 of Too Many (Too 2)
I sigh, leaning into him. “I love you both so much.”
“We love you, too, sweet girl.”
“We love you, too, baby girl.”
“Now, Harlow just rolled up with Butch and the little one in tow.” Owen brings us back to reality. The rest of the world is waiting for us.
“Can’t wait until our girl gives us a little one,” Elijah says, making my heart flutter. I might already be pregnant. I can’t wait for that.
“Me too,” Owen says in agreement. “You worried about telling Harlow?”
“No, she’ll want whatever makes me happy. I wonder how Mom will take it, though,” I admit.
“All good, sweet girl. We talked to her while you were napping.” I turn to look at Owen.
“You talked to my mom?” I mean, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. All of us spend the holidays together and we have dinner once a week. Everyone is close, but this is different. Owen slides a ring on my finger. I gasp when I see it. It’s a heart-shaped diamond but the diamond is cut into three pieces. They all come together to complete the heart. A tear slips down my check. It’s perfect.
“Or course we asked your mom and aunt if we could marry you.” He leans down, kissing the tear from my face.
“She yelled at us,” Elijah laughs.
“Oh God.” I start to panic for a moment, but as always Owen calms me quickly.
“Said it was about time. She was sick of seeing you mope around.”
“She’s happy, baby girl,” Elijah adds. I smile so big it hurts.
“Everyone is happy,” Owen says as I hear a knock coming from the front door and I know it’s Harlow.
They both take a turn kissing me and I know that the three us will be happy for the rest of our lives. Having two husbands will never be too many. It’s just right.
Six Months Later…
I check to make sure they got my baby girl’s coffee right before I pull away from the coffee shop. Today got off to a late start. Nellie is normally the last out of bed, but today she really didn’t want to get up at all. Owen and I always go for a run first thing and come back and get her up together. Today I had to do my jog alone, along with trying to wake our woman up.
I’m not sure how she ever gets out of bed, to be honest. We have our girl until she passes out. Then we’ll often take turns waking her up in the middle of the night to get more. I’d say maybe that’s what happens when two men kept their dicks in their pants for all of their teens and into their early twenties waiting to make their woman theirs. We can’t get enough of her, but I think it’s more than that. Our love runs so deep for her we can never sate that need.
I’m a dirty bastard. I should let my wife sleep, but we waited over three years to have her and now we’re making up for lost time. She doesn’t seem to mind. I smile, thinking about how I made her come on my tongue before I told her to keep sleeping after I gave her a smack on the ass. There’s nothing she needs to get up for anyway. She’s scaled back some at work. She was a workaholic before we came pushing into her life. We had to, but we’ve been working toward this and we’re here now. We don’t need to work so hard. We get to live in the lives we’ve built. Waiting has paid off in more ways than one.
When I pull up to the house, I see Owen beat me back. He got up before all of us to check on a job site bright and early. My cock thickens in my jeans knowing I’m going to walk in on something good. I love having my way with Nellie, but there is something to be said about getting to sit back and watch her as my brother takes her, to see all the love and desire on her face that we can give her.
I grab her coffee before hopping down out of my truck and heading inside. I pause when I see Nellie sitting on top of the kitchen counter. All of her clothes are on and so are Owen’s. He’s got his arms folded over his chest and is staring at our wife, who turns to look at me as I enter. I toss my keys on the entry table as I clear the space between us. I give my brother a glance before I place her coffee down and kiss my baby girl. Something is going on, but I want to taste her mouth before I find out.
Owen is the rational one. What has him on edge, I don’t know, but it’s got to be something. “What’s got him worked up?” I ask when I pull my mouth from Nellie’s. She rolls her eyes.