Page 19 of Too Many (Too 2)
“Let’s do this.” Harlow stands from her chair, ready to go. I can tell she is treating this like a mission. Get in and get out. She was smart and wore flats, but I went with a pair of heels that are already starting to make my feet ache. I remember the days when I could run all over town in heels.
We make our way out of the restaurant and down the block toward the new bar that sprang up a few weeks ago. I haven’t heard much about it, but I know it’s ladies’ night. I shoot the husbands a text that we left dinner and are going to dance a little. I know they are all at Butch’s house, likely grilling out while waiting for us to call for a ride. They dropped us off so we could both have a few drinks if we wanted and not have to worry about driving home.
When we reach the place, there is a woman standing outside dressed to the nines. Okay, maybe “dressed” isn’t the right word, but the bra she has on is covered in jewels, matching a pair of panties—or maybe it’s a skirt. I’m not real sure. She’s also got on killer six-inch heels.
“Name?” she asks, looking down at the tablet in her hand.
“Barton,” I tell her. She gives me a giant smile. “Welcome to ladies’ night,” she says, stepping aside. The big man by the door swings open the door for us.
“I think we’re underdressed,” I tell Harlow. I’m in a cute dress and heels, but this is starting to look as though it’s some hot night club.
“I think you mean ‘overdressed.’” My mouth falls open when we clear the long dark hallway that leads into the club. There are naked men everywhere. From on the stage to serving drinks. I don’t mean in G-strings and bow ties. No, completely naked. One does have a cowboy hat on.
“Ladies’ night is not what I thought it was,” Harlow says. I agree. Then everything goes dark as a set of hands comes down over my eyes. Instantly I know they are Elijah’s. I know the smell and touch of my men. I hear Harlow let out a small scream and I also know she was just thrown over Butch’s shoulder. A moment later I’m scooped up into Elijah’s arms.
“They’ll be fine, you said,” Elijah bites out, talking to Owen. We are making our way back down the hallway and out the door.
“Hope you ladies had fun.” The woman who let us in laughs as she says it. Elijah puts me into the back of the car. Owen follows me in, shutting the door behind us as Elijah jumps into the driver’s seat and takes off.
“I didn’t think they’d go to a strip club,” Owen finally answers. I know he’s as mad as Elijah, but Owen is always better at playing it cool. Someone out of the three of us has to.
“I didn’t know it was one.” I give an oops shrug. I really didn’t. “It’s not like I need to see more dick in my life,” I try to joke. I have two little ones still in diapers and two very horny husbands. Not that I’m any better. I’m just as horny. How could I not be with these two sexy cavemen as husbands?
“You’re lucky we were only down the block,” Elijah yells.
“Down the block?” I look between the two of them.
“Yeah, down the block,” Owen replies flippantly. I’m not shocked actually. Of course they were down the block. Probably sitting at a bar watching time tick, the only people in the place drinking coffee.
“You guys going to take me home and give me the strip show I missed?” I try teasing again. I even give a giant smile. Elijah returns it with a hard glare in the rearview mirror. Owen’s hand slips up under my dress, drawing my attention back to him.
“You’re the one that’s going to be stripping, naughty girl.” Owen’s fingers find my panties and he slips them down my legs. I probably shouldn’t like the jealousy lighting up in their eyes mixed with need. To be wanted by these two men always gets me worked up.
“Spread your legs. Show Elijah your pussy,” Owen says as he pushes up my dress around my hips. I spread my legs wide, doing as I’m told. Elijah’s eyes lock on my pussy in the rearview mirror. The car gives a jerk as he pushes down on the gas to drive fast.
“Going to put another baby in you tonight.” Owen leans in to kiss me. “Then you won’t be wandering into strip clubs.”
“Pregnant women can go to strip clubs,” I sass back. Owen smiles against my mouth while Elijah threatens me with an ass spanking when we get home.
I love my men. I’m happy they showed up and stole me away. I was two seconds from turning and leaving once the shock wore off, but this is going to be way better. Now they’re all kinds of worked up. It’s a good thing Mom has our boys, because Owen was right. We are going to make another baby tonight. Even if it takes all night long.