Page 30 of To Win His Heart
But in the meantime they were stuck on Monte Cristo, and she was unable to be a temptation to anyone since no one in the world knew where she was except Luc.
While they were marooned here, it might be an interesting experiment to see how long she could keep up this adventurous facade before she started to crack. Every human had a breaking point. More than anyone else, Luc would appreciate learning what it was. Even better, he’d enjoy watching it happen.
Curious to know if Cesar was hot on the trail yet, he walked back to the bunk and reached inside the pillowcase for his cell phone. He wasn’t surprised to see a list of callers that included everyone close to him except his brother.
Taking advantage of Olivia’s absence, he phoned Nic, who’d left half a dozen messages.
“Luc—it’s a relief to hear your voice. How’s the leg?”
“Couldn’t be better. What’s the real reason behind all your calls?”
“Max phoned to find out if I knew where Olivia is. I thought she was in Monza with Cesar, but apparently he said she left after the race and went to see you. Later I found out that Greer spoke to her at your house night before last. What’s going on?”
Good question.
Night before last Luc had listened in while Olivia had tried to reach Piper in Genoa. That meant the first phone call to the house had been from Greer, not Cesar. Why had Olivia pretended otherwise?
“Greer and Piper are both upset because they’ve had no contact with Olivia since,” Nic explained further. “If you know where she is, tell her to do everyone a favor and get in touch with her sisters so they’ll stop worrying. Max would like to enjoy his honeymoon.”
Luc chewed on his lower lip for a moment. “Right now she’s playing a very dangerous game.”
“What do you mean?”
He glanced out the window once more. There was no sign of Olivia yet. “How much time have you got?”
“It’s been a half hour since we ate lunch. Time for your water therapy.”
After finishing off the fish, Luc had sat in the sun to read, effectively shutting Olivia out. Since she’d returned from her exploration of the island, something about him had been different. She couldn’t put her finger on it, but he was less approachable, which didn’t come as any great surprise. He’d removed the elastic wrap and bandages where the doctor had drawn off the fluid. Olivia couldn’t tell the procedure had even been done.
But maybe his leg was hurting him, and he didn’t want her to know.
If that was the case, hopefully a swim might make it feel better. He’d donned his black suit in anticipation. The trick was to get him in and out of the boat without injury.
Olivia stood up from the padded bench and removed the T-shirt she’d been wearing over her swimsuit to protect her shoulders. Because the sun was so strong, Luc had also put on a shirt he’d left unbuttoned.
She walked over to him and took the book from his hands. By the way his features seemed to harden as his narrowed gaze swept up her body to confront hers, it had been the wrong thing to do. But it was too late to worry about that now.
He rose to his full height and started to remove his shirt. She put the book on the bench so she could help him. He had an extraordinary male physique. The desire to touch him had become a driving need, but he shrugged out of his shirt so fast, she was denied the pleasure of physical contact.
Before she could catch her breath, he dove off the side of the boat into the water which was at a depth of about twelve feet. She followed him in and swam circles around him while he tread water.
The sun had warmed his olive skin, bringing color to the surface. His eyes glinted silver. With his wet black hair sleeked back, and drops of water beading his dark brows and eyelashes, he was the personification of male beauty. As she looked at him an ache passed through Olivia’s body so intense, she looked away.
When she felt she was under control again, she swam over to him. “If you’ll lie back and let me support your head and shoulders, you’ll be able to exercise your leg the way you need to.”
“Since when did you become a physical therapist?”
Olivia forced herself not to react to his rancor. “In the early stages of cancer, mother enjoyed a swim if we girls helped her. She tired easily.”
In the silence that followed her remark, she could feel him digesting what she’d said. Then without her having to say anything else, he turned over on his back as a signal she should help him.
Hoping he couldn’t tell she was trembling, she slid her hands under his arms and steadied him while he propelled them around with his legs. Cocooned as he was in her arms, she could bury her face in his hair and he was none the wiser that she was in a state of ecstasy.
“Was skiing your favorite sport?” she asked, trying to keep her voice steady.
“One of them.”