Page 44 of To Win His Heart
“Please just do it? Tell me to leave the premises immediately or you’ll call the police and have me arrested for trespassing.”
Recognition suddenly dawned in his blue-gray eyes. “Ah—you are up to one of your famous Duchess tricks.”
She bit her lip. “You won’t give me away?”
He crossed his heart.
Getting into his part, he grabbed hold of her arm and dragged her into the foyer, calling out in a loud, urgent voice for Bianca as he did so. The housekeeper came running.
“Bianca? Please bring Mademoiselle Duchess’s suitcase back. I want her out of this house and gone within two minutes or I am calling for the police.”
When he shook Olivia off, almost causing her to stumble because he didn’t know his own strength, the older woman gasped before hurrying away to do his bidding.
Taking advantage of her absence, Cesar kissed Olivia’s cheek. “Bonne chance, ma belle, but I don’t think you will need it because you have a way of making your own luck.
“When you reach the first turn in the road below the villa, wait there and a taxi will be along shortly to take you wherever you wish to go.”
“Thank you, Cesar. Whether my plan works or not, I want you to know you’re wonderful.” She gave him a hug before he disappeared, leaving her to face the loyal housekeeper who dropped the suitcase at her feet the way she was supposed to do.
“You heard, Cesar. Go!” She made a violent gesture with her hands.
“I’m leaving, even if he misunderstood my intentions.”
The older woman wagged an index finger in front of her. “He does not misunderstand why a woman comes to his house this late at night alone. The only woman he will ever have in this house will be his wife!”
“But I came to talk to him about Luc. Luc’s the one I love.”
“Then you find my poor Luca and tell him. There was trouble in this house once before,” she muttered, probably revealing more than she meant to. “And stay away from my poor Cesar. They have both suffered enough!”
“I agree. Thank you for your hospitality, Bianca,” she said before closing the door.
By the time she made it to the horseshoe bend in the road with her suitcase, a taxi was waiting for her.
“Thank you for coming.”
The driver nodded. “Si, signorina. Signore di Falcone told me to take you wherever you wish to go.”
“Naples airport. I have to get to Nice before morning.”
No telling what Luc’s plans were. Even though he was supposed to be resting his leg, he might have gone to his parents’ home—or to Nic’s in Spain.
She hoped not the latter. Any more travel tonight was anathema to her. Besides, she needed to be alone with Luc.
Four hours later another taxi dropped her off in the courtyard of Luc’s villa. At five-fifteen in the morning, it was still dark. She paid the driver and got out with her suitcase in hand. To be certain she wasn’t stranded, she asked him to wait.
Here we go again.
She walked up to the door and rang the bell. Luc had told her he employed staff during the weekdays, so she expected a maid to answer. When no one came, she pressed the button and didn’t let up.
Pretty soon she heard cursing.
A smile broke out on her face. She turned to the taxi driver. “You can go.”
By the time Luc opened the door wearing the bottom half of a pair of sweats, all she could see were two red taillights disappearing from the courtyard.
“Surprise, surprise. I’m baaaack.” She stepped over his cane and walked in carrying her suitcase.