Page 130 of The Night Circus
“What did the someone else look like?” Celia asks.
“A man. He was tall. In a suit, with a bowler hat, I think. It was hard to tell.”
Celia rests her head in her hands for a moment before she speaks.
“If that is who I think it is, I know for a fact he is in London at the moment, so perhaps this is not as immediate as you think.”
“But it is, I’m sure of it,” Poppet protests
“Timing has never been your strong point. You said yourself that this friend of yours is also present for this incident, and your first complaint was that he is not here. This might not happen for weeks or months or years, ’Pet.”
“But we have to do something,” Poppet says, slamming her teacup down on the table. The tea stops before it splashes onto an open book as though there is an invisible wall surrounding it. “To be prepared, like you said.”
“I will do what I can to prevent the circus from going up in smoke. I shall fireproof it as much as possible. Is that enough for now?”
After a moment, Poppet nods.
“Good,” Celia says. “We’ll be off the train in a matter of hours, we can discuss this more later.”
“Wait,” Widget says. He has been sitting on the back of one of the velvet benches, staying out of the conversation. Now he turns to Celia. “I have a question before you shoo us away.”
“What is it?” she asks.
“You said we don’t comprehend the scope of what goes on here,” he says.
“That was likely not the best choice of words.”
“It’s a game, isn’t it?” Widget asks.
Celia looks at him, a slow, sad smile tugging at her lips.
“It took you sixteen years to figure that one out,” she says. “I expected more from you, Widge.”
“I’d guessed as much for a while,” he says. “It’s not easy to see things you don’t want me to know, but I’ve been picking up bits of it lately. You haven’t been as guarded as usual.”
“A game?” Poppet asks, looking back and forth between her brother and Celia.
“Like a chess game,” Widget says. “The circus is the board.”
“Not exactly,” Celia says. “It’s not as straightforward as chess.”
“We’re all playing a game?” Poppet asks.
“Not us,” Widget says. “Her and someone else. The rest of us are, what, extra pieces?”
“It’s not like that,” Celia says.
“Then what is it like?” Widget asks.
In response, Celia only looks at him, staring directly into his eyes without wavering.
Widget returns her gaze silently for some time while Poppet watches them curiously. Eventually, Widget blinks, the surprise evident on his face. Then he looks down at his shoes.
Celia sighs, and when she speaks she addresses them both.
“If I have not been completely honest with you, it is only because I know a great deal of things that you do not want to know. I am going to ask that you trust me when I tell you I am trying to make things better. It is an extremely delicate balance and there are a great many factors involved. The best we can do right now is take everything as it comes, and not worry ourselves over things that have happened, or things that are to come. Agreed?”