Page 71 of Finale (Caraval 3)
He released her neck and pulled away. “We should go.”
“But I’ve just gotten here.”
The Prince of Hearts appeared at the top of the steps. He leaned against a crumbling rail, an elegant mess of wrinkled clothing, lazy movements, and golden hair, which hung over eyes that appeared as if he’d been watching them for a while.
Ice coated Tella’s skin. But it was different from the chill she felt whenever Jacks looked at her, because his eyes had moved next to her, latching on to Legend, who Jacks, along with the rest of the empire, had only known as Dante—a young man who was supposed to be dead, a young man who’d just used a frightening amount of power, a young man who didn’t curse at Jacks, or try to protect Tella as he had with the Priestess.
She swiftly turned to see Legend. His broad shoulders were stiff, his expression was fixed. He stood still as a statue beside her, the same way he had the night of the Fated Ball when Jacks had used his powers to briefly stop everyone’s hearts from beating.
“Jacks! Stop this!” Tella demanded.
But the Prince of Hearts didn’t even acknowledge her. His blue eyes had taken on a ravenous look, and in that moment Tella could see what he was thinking. Unlike the other Fates, Jacks was at only half power; he wanted the rest of his powers back, and Legend was the one with the ability to restore him.
“Stay away from him!” Tella begged. Legend was already weakened from using so much magic; she didn’t want to think what a power exchange with Jacks would do to him right now.
But the Prince of Hearts continued to ignore her; his rabid gaze stayed on Legend’s frozen form. “You know, I wondered if you were Legend during Caraval, and then again when I saw you in her dream. But then you died.”
“He’s not Legend,” Tella lied.
Jacks finally tilted his head her way, but none of the mischief that had been in his eyes last night was there. He looked more like the cruel boy she’d first met in the carriage who’d threatened to push her out just to see if she survived. “If he’s not Legend, then who created the illusion I just saw, and how is he alive? The reports I heard said the new heir had been killed.”
“Those were rumors,” Tella said. “I started them to keep the Fates away.”
Jacks laughed but his eyes remained cold. “For once I hope you’re lying, my love. And if you’re not, then I’m so sorry.”
Tella clutched her breastbone and doubled over, suddenly dizzy and nauseous and unable to breathe. The ruins, Jacks, Legend, everything turned into a blur, and stars burst before her eyes as pain blinded her.
“What the hell—” Legend cursed, finally free of Jacks’s control.
“Don’t make another move toward her,” Jacks warned, “unless you wish her to die.”
“Jacks—” Tella gasped as she dropped to her knees, no longer able to stand. “Why…”
“What have you done?” Legend roared.
“I’m giving her a heart attack,” Jacks said calmly. “It will kill her very soon, unless you give me my full powers back right now. Tick. Tock. She doesn’t have long left.”
“Jacks…” Tella panted. She couldn’t believe he was really doing this. “Don’t … do…”
“I’ll do it,” Legend said. “Stop hurting her, and I’ll restore your powers with some of mine. But only if you swear right now, in blood, to never use any of your abilities on Tella or on me again.”
The prince’s mouth tightened and his eyes might have flashed back to Tella.
“Fine. You have a deal. I won’t, unless one of you asks me to.” Jacks took a dagger from his boot and sliced his hand, creating a spill of blood to seal the promise.
Tella started gasping, panting for air. “You’re a demon!” She might have cursed Jacks more thoroughly, but all she wanted to do was breathe. She’d trusted him. She’d thought that he actually cared about her, and he’d tried to kill her.
Legend’s arms went around her, holding her up as she continued to fight for oxygen. “You scared me,” he murmured.
“What will this cost you?” she asked against his chest.
Instead of answering, Legend carefully walked her to the edge of the fountain, seeming to have mostly recovered from his earlier use of magic, as he helped her sit on the rim. “Stay. I’ll be right back.”
He turned back to the Prince of Hearts. “We’re not doing this here.” Legend stalked into the ruins of the decrepit mansion without waiting for Jacks to follow.
As soon as Jacks and Legend were out of sight, Tella shoved up from the fountain with shaky arms and shuffled in the direction they’d gone. Jacks was only supposed to take a fraction of Legend’s power. But she didn’t trust him, and she’d seen the power exchange between Legend and the witch—she had watched as Legend drained Esmeralda of all her magic. She couldn’t let that happen to Legend.
Jacks might have left her too weak to do much, and even at her best, she wouldn’t be able to tear two powerful immortals apart. But it wouldn’t prevent her from trying if necessary.