Page 34 of Rough Terrain (Out of Uniform 7)
Canaan frowned at him. “Was last night not good for you?”
“It was all—”
“You say all right, and I’m going to come over there and smack you.” Canaan glared at him. “Seriously. Is there some reason why you don’t want a repeat?”
“I’m not saying I don’t want more. But I have a tendency to run late that I’m trying to get over.”
“I call BS. Are you still caught up in that perfectionist trap? Like it wasn’t perfect enough—”
“It was.” Renzo made a frustrated noise as he pulled on clothes. “That’s more my issue. Like maybe you don’t catch lightening twice. And while it was that good for me, I still feel like maybe I should have done more for you. I dunno. I’m probably being silly.”
“You are.” Canaan nodded empathetically. “Come back over here and I’ll show you it wasn’t a fluke. And you feel free to do more for me if that makes you happy, but honestly, making a guy come with my mouth is a total adrenaline rush for me. Makes me feel all powerful and shit. I wasn’t missing anything.”
Renzo’s mouth did that twisty thing that meant he was thinking. “Maybe tonight,” he said at last. “When I’ve got more than five minutes to get you off right.”
“Dude. Do not make me drag you off behind a tree and show you what I can do with five minutes.”
That got a smile from Renzo. “Never know. That could be fun.”
“Even if we’re sharing a tent with others, I’m holding you to that promise of fooling around tonight.” Canaan laughed.
“Exhibitionist much?” Renzo finished getting dressed and went to the mirror to mess with his hair.
“I can be,” Canaan admitted as he finally left the bed and found his backpack and grabbed some clothes.
“Well, I’m not.” Apparently satisfied with his hair, Renzo turned his attention to the coffeemaker.
“Says the guy with more social media followers than people who live in my neighborhood. You love showing off.”
Renzo laughed. “Point taken. But that’s different. Sex is...”
“Special?” Canaan was beginning to suspect that Renzo had a hidden romantic side that really valued the emotional part of sex.
“Kind of. Maybe. Not sure. Also, I don’t need an audience when things don’t go well.”
“Perfectionist.” Already in jeans, Canaan shook his T-shirt at Renzo before putting it on. “I’m gonna cure you of that disease.”
“Someday I’m going to take you sky diving. And trust me, you’ll be thanking every one of my perfectionist tendencies when you see me double-checking the equipment.”
Canaan very much liked this mythical future where they stayed friends after this weekend, so he nodded. “I’ll probably puke beforehand, but I’d maybe try it with you.”
“Good. You’ll love it, promise.” Renzo handed him his travel mug. Cementing his status as best boyfriend ever, he’d already added several creamer packets for Canaan. “We should probably get down there.”
“Okay, okay.” Canaan gathered up his stuff. “I’m too sleepy for the stairs, but I’ll take your bag with me if you’re going to do the stairs.”
“Hey, I had to skip my workout yesterday. I need to do the stairs and then try and squeeze in some body weight exercises later. You want me to teach you how to do things like burpees? That will help with your pull-up goal.”
“Sure.” Canaan could think of several forms of torture he’d rather endure than complicated jumping jacks and push-ups, but he nodded. Renzo in expert mode was pretty damn sexy, and if it got him laid afterward, he was all for it. “We are hiking like five miles today, you know.”
“It’ll be a good warm-up.” Renzo laughed, circling the room, giving it a once-over. Missing items stood no chance against his attentive eyes. “Okay, let’s go.”
Renzo insisted on taking his own bag with him and still managed to beat the elevator down. Two large vans with “Grand Adventures” logos and oversize tires and big roof racks were parked in front of the hotel. As he’d suspected, they were among the first ones down. They had an hour and half drive ahead of them, so he snagged a muffin from the breakfast buffet bar in the hotel lobby. Renzo, of course, was healthier, grabbing two yogurts, oatmeal, and three hardboiled eggs.
Way chattier than a person had a right to be at that hour in the morning, Renzo talked to the two guides about the itinerary for the weekend as they ate and waited for the others to come down. The plan was to stop at the Desert View Watchtower before hiking the Grandview Trail and then making camp with the guides. Tomorrow and Sunday, they’d be hiking some lesser known trails that the guides seemed pumped about. Canaan tried to listen to the lingo Renzo was speaking with them—switchbacks, elevation changes, ridge drops—but was more concerned with making sure they ended up in a different van from Damian and Eric. To that end, he waited until a rather bleary-looking Damian led Eric to the back of the first van.