Page 40 of Hometown Virgin
“It’s perfect,” I countered immediately, totally disregarding his comment. “Absolutely perfect.”
He could see I meant it, because he turned to me with a happy sparkle in his eyes as he took a seat next to me. “Now, let me just state my case before we start eating.”
“There are like five reasons why you should keep on wearing your boots and not take them off.”
I chuckled. “Five, huh? The top one being frostbite?” Sitting down, I had to admit, it was colder than anticipated.
“That’s the most serious one,” he replied. “Plus, your feet probably stink and I’m downwind of you so, ya know.”
His teasing had me whacking him in the belly, as he guffawed his amusement at my aghast face.
“You’re mean,” I told him with a sniff.
“Nah,” he instantly denied. “I come bearing food. That makes me nice, doesn’t it?”
Huh. He had me there, didn’t he?
Chapter 15
Seven Years Ago
A smile curved my lips as I finished the painting I’d been working on all week. My heart was in restoration because I was thrilled by the idea of working on paintings by my favorite artists, but there was a joy in creating art that I found in nothing else.
It was why I was so charmed when Cooper encouraged me to paint more. He said my work was beautiful, that I deserved a showing of my own one day, and though I laughed off his compliments, it didn’t stop me from glowing inside at his praise.
He’d be leaving for New York soon, and that was the only thing that could kill the glow of contentedness I’d had ever since we’d met a year ago.
He’d be leaving, and I couldn’t let that happen. Not with so much unspoken between us.
I’d told him I was going to quit school to move with him to the city, but he hadn’t seemed as excited as I’d hoped.
Tonight was the night though. I’d decided that I was going to seduce him, and though it was mean, use that to encourage the idea of me moving with him.
I wasn’t sure why he was so anti the idea. He loved me. I knew he did. Knew it like I knew my face in the mirror. But when I’d made the suggestion, a haunted look had appeared in his eyes, and I knew that look. Knew it, and did my best to drag him out of the funk that often came when his memories overcame him.
Using sex against him was a womanly wile I’d never thought to use before, and it totally undermined the gesture of giving him my virginity, but it wasn’t like I wasn’t ready.
A smile curved my lips at the prospect of tonight actually being the night.
I couldn’t believe we’d waited as long as we did, if I was being honest. The respect he had for me still had the power to astonish me.
After the way some douches treated me after going out on several dates with them, without putting out, Cooper couldn’t be more different.
He’d empowered me in ways that he probably would never realize, but I was just grateful for him. For his generosity and patience.
Those were just a few reasons why I loved him, and they weren’t even the best parts about his character.
The man had changed my life and he didn’t even know.
I stepped back from the easel as I stared at the still life I’d created.
I tried not to be one of those artists who pushed a secret agenda onto the people who looked at their art, but from time to time, my opinions popped up and did a happy dance.
I couldn’t help it.