Page 13 of Hometown Lover
Joanne laughed and shook her head. She walked over and ran her hand over the snow. I watched as she stared at it and softly smiled.
"Not much snow in Vegas is there?" I asked.
"Not at all. Desert and sand and cacti," she laughed as she pulled her hand away and dusted off the snow. She flexed her fingers. "I'd almost forgotten what it was like. The parents all go on these ski trips, but they leave the kids home with me. I haven't seen snow since I left here."
"Then I think it's the perfect day to do nothing but sit back, relax and enjoy the snow. Remember we always used to try to be over each other's houses before a big snowstorm?"
She grinned. "It was the best way to ensure we could hang out for a day or two and not be separated. We should watch movies and eat junk food."
"Just like the good old days. You pick out the movie and I'll grab snacks."
Joanne bounced and nodded. "Yes! I'm going to pick out something really sappy."
"You're lucky you're only in town for a little while," I called. "I guess I have to be nice and give in."
I heard her laugh as I walked into the kitchen. She always had a weakness for romances and I couldn't care less what we watched as long as I could watch it with her. I popped a huge bowl of popcorn and grabbed chips and chocolate from the pantry. Once I carried everything into the living room, Jo Jo was wrapped up in a blanket and waiting. She smiled and patted the space beside her.
"What did you pick out?"
"Some romance I haven't heard of yet. I hope it's good."
"If it's bad at least I'll get to laugh," I said.
She hit my arm. "Don't be a jerk before the movie even starts."
I chuckled and apologized before I cozied up next to her. Once I was settled, she reached over and nicked a handful of popcorn before she pressed play. I barely watched the intro with the light upbeat music. I stared at her instead.
Joanne hadn't changed a bit. She looked just like she had years ago and I felt a familiar tug in my chest. My hand wanted to reach out and brush the hair off of her tanned skin. My fingers wanted to trace over her flesh until I'd memorized every single inch.
This definitely isn't the way friends think about other friends.
As much as I wanted to stop I couldn't and the stirring in my crotch that continued to grow wouldn't let me deny my attraction. Joanne's gaze flicked over at me and I watched her inquisitive look before I trained my eyes on the TV and focused on that instead.
The entire time that it played I found that she looked at me more than once. I was wildly aware of how close her body was to mine. I wanted to lean over and kiss her, taste her lips again like I'd been dreaming about doing since the night before happened. She leaned against my arm and I kept myself from stroking her hair.
"That was good," she hummed once the movie ended. "I love the big gesture part of romances."
"You do?" I asked.
"It's amazing to see what they come up with and what they'll do to win someone's love. It always gets me."
"You're such a sap," I sighed.
"You say that like it's a bad thing. Besides, you're wrong. I used to be a sap. Not anymore."
"Uh-huh because you're not fawning over a romance movie."
I grinned as she flipped me off and laughed. That was the Jo Jo I remembered. She had always been her own feisty, crazy self and I loved that that side of her still existed.
She stretched out and I watched the top she wore rise up her belly and show it off. I wanted to reach over and graze my fingers over her flesh, but I was pretty sure she'd think I was being odd if I did.
"I'm starving," she moaned as she yawned and sat back up straight. "What's there to eat?"
"I have a ton. What are you in the mood for?"
"No idea. Let's go raid your fridge," she said as she stood up.
The small shorts she wore showed off every little curve she had. If they were any shorter I was sure that I would have seen a butt cheek. I stood up and followed her, my eyes trained on the way she shifted her hips as she moved.