Page 19 of Hometown Lover
"Small problem," Joanne said as she dug through her bag. "I don't have anything that's too wintery. I mean I have some jeans, but my coat isn't thick enough and my boots would get wet in like five minutes and my feet would fall off."
"Can't have that," I said as I thought about what to do. "Come here and grab your jeans and a shirt that's not a tank top."
She laughed. "I feel very judged."
"Oh, you should."
She followed me to the room and slipped into her jeans and a t-shirt she'd brought as I dug around in the closet. When I came out of it, I showed her my spare heavy coat and a pair of boots I had as well. She slipped into the coat and after we'd stuffed the shoes so they would fit, she stepped into them.
I took a look at her and had to cover my mouth to keep from chuckling.
"What are you laughing about?" She asked as she propped her hands on her hips. "Nothing… you just… you look adorable in my clothes."
Joanne glared at me but it didn't make her look any less cute. The sleeves of my black jacket went down over her hands they were so long. The boots looked like she would hardly be able to walk. I gave her a pair of gloves and a hat to go with the outfit as she continued to glare at my quiet chuckling.
"How long are you going to be amused by this?" She asked.
I grabbed my phone and quietly turned as she adjusted the clothes. I quickly took a picture and her mouth flew open. She ran at me and grabbed for the phone. We went down in a pile of limbs on the bed as I laughed and kept the phone out of her reach.
"Delete that picture Peter Jones or I'll kill you!"
"But you look so cute in it."
"Peter," she growled.
"Okay okay," I laughed.
I quickly went through the phone and then put it away. She looked satisfied with the action and finally climbed back onto her feet, with my help, of course. I changed and made sure I was nice and warm before I headed for the door.
When I opened the door I could see that at least the snow had started to melt a bit. There was still no way I could drive out, but it was a little easier to trudge through it. At least for me. Joanne grabbed my arm and held on as we traversed the snow together.
"Don't let me fall on my face," she said as she laughed and clutched tighter. "I swear I don't want a face of snow."
"If we were on our way back to the house I'd totally push you over and give you just that. I don't want you to be cold while we're working though."
"Oh you're such a gentleman," she deadpanned.
"I know, right?"
I earned an elbow for that as we finally made our way to the barn and a huge shed beside it. I started checking on the cattle to make sure they were alright, but with all the shelter I'd provided, they looked as if they hadn't had a hard time at all.
"Wow, there's so many," Joanne said.
"Just sixty for now," I told her. "There's potential for more. I bought the ranch next door and I plan to merge it all into one. I need to hire some more help though before I can expand."
"Wow, you've been doing so well."
"Thanks. I try," I said before I nodded toward the feed. "And they'll need fresh water, but I'll do that."
"Let's get to work."
I smiled at how excited she was. She quickly started to haul feed like it was no big deal, but I knew how heavy it could be. I checked on her, but she waved me off with a hand.
"Do you know how much I lug around in Vegas? Kids, plus dogs, plus strollers, toys, diaper bags, sometimes groceries. I'm used to using my muscles, so don't worry about that."
"Impressive, Jo. Keep it up and you'll be beating me at arm wrestling someday. I mean for once."